16. Guest Quest

35 4 3


Very addicting 

But it still had problems 


1. When a guest gets stuck in a pit 

2. When you get stuck in a pit 

3. When you're in the frost dungeon and you think you're gonna freeze before the boss can get you 

4. When the boss to the frost dungeon is a fire boss 

5. When the guests kill you

6.  When you're running from a pack of 15 guests

7.  When the guests don't stop spawning

8.  When a guest is playing a game where you kill dungeons of guests

9.  When you need twitter codes to play the game right

10.  When you die and have to start all over

11. When your friend dies, has to start over, and you need to wait for them because you know you'll die without them

12. When you get a badass sword that your friend doesn't have and you need to protect them 

13. When your friend dies, has to start over, and you don't wait for them

14. When this person with a really good weapon and armor guides you through a new dungeon and they're like the new god #KilledbonesIsGod

15.  When the group leaves without you

16. When a dude looks at you like "You suck at this"

17. When your new god hates your friend 

18. When a dude gives you the best armor and they give your friend a bucket

19.  When your badass armor disappears

20. When the loading screen takes TOO FUCKING LONG

21. When everyone on the server is your friend because you did nothing and then they hate your irl friend even though they guide them through the dungeon 

22. When there's a Spanish speaking person on the game and you know very little Spanish, so you guys just yell "PAJARO!" "BIRD!" back and forth 

23.  When you need to skip the loading even though its unrecomended

24. When you can one hit kill a guest and feel badass

25.  When the second boss it too OP for your liking

26.  When you and two other ice badasses walk into a casual little weapon shop like "Yo what's up... we just got out f the dungeon, we're pretty tired, got weapons?"

27.  When you need to grind on guests before going to dungeon 3 because level problems

28. When the dungeon's music is so badass you want to make a cover of it

29.  When you cheat to get your level

30.  When you didn't realize your sword was rare and wondered why everyone else didn't have it

31.  When you stand back and let everyone else battle the boss

32.  When the boss is broken

33.  When you can't beat Dungeon 2's boss

34.  When you need friends in order to form a group to play the game and win

35.  When you quit the game accidentally

36.  When you sit in a corner to type a problem

37.  When you have to go back to the start of the dungeon to save your friend

38.  When you get a really badass sword and your friend is jealous

39.  When you get three of the same badass sword and you drop one for your friend
........... They somehow can't pick it up

40. When you have too many buckets and fill the lobby with them

41.  When you empty out your whole inventory.... and end up cluttering spawn

42.  When you're more annoying than the guests

43.  When you keep DYING and it's only dungeon 3

44.  When you want to make a clan but you're not cool enough

45.  When you "cheat" by using the codes to level up faster

46.  When, with codes, you're on level 43 but without them you'd be on level 17

47. When a guest in a dungeon pushes you up against a wall like it's going to make out with you but that's your boyfriend's job

48. When you're afk and a guest kills you

49. When you step foot into the dungeon and explode

50. When you fight the guests and live at 9 health

51. When a fast af guest decides that you're their next target

52. When a game makes you realize that maybe you should be kinder to some guests...

53. When you wonder why the hell a guest would play a game where he kills his own kind

54. When a guest says "Off with your head" and decapitates you

55. When you see a person at level 329 and you say "And I thought I was badass..."

56. When a guest has a flying abilities

57. When a person at level 112 says "Hey losers guess what" like he's the baddest of asses and doesn't realize a person at level 329 was right beside him

58. When you have so many buckets that you can clutter up a whole dungeon with them

59. When the guests are too badass for you

60. When a guest flies away from the map

61. When you fly into the air, land and kill a guest at once and feel cool ;)

62. When you start to remember your guest days and you're disappointed

63. When you don't know if you're gonna kill the boss or the boss is gonna kill you

64. When the most popular clan in the game is the KKK and you say "Welcome to 2016..."

65. When you have a light saber for a sword but you don't like Star Wars...

66. When the boss has a seizure during the battle

67. When you're confused as to where the hell all the bosses are

68.  When you cant find any of da guests

69. When your friend levels up and they say "I'm at level 69!" and you say "Level me and my boyfriend?"

70. When you need those levels so you repeat the first two dungeons 
And your inventory gets filled with buckets 

71. When you beat the boss n he drops nothing


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