Chapter One

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[a/n]: //This story will contain a lot of violence, drugs, sex, abuse, profanity, and other mature scenes. You have been warned. I recommend a mature audience to only read this story.\\

Last thing is that I kindly ask for you guys to please have some faith in this story. My writing isn't perfect, so I'm sure there will be some mistakes. I'm confident that the plot of this story is interesting. This first chapter does get straight to the point, but don't worry, things will be progress in an orderly fashion. That is all, thank you and enjoy.



My life has usually consisted of me being on my own. Everyday I wonder if anything exciting will happen. Nothing has changed in my life since I moved out of my parents house at the age of eighteen; and now I am currently twenty-one. My parents and I never had a special relationship, and to this day we don't contact each other. I have no siblings, and no true friends to call mine. All I really have is me, myself and I. But I can live with that -- I'm sure.

Although I live in California, I never have the time to enjoy the fresh air or go out and do things. But I try to live my life trying not to think about all of the things I'm missing out on. This was partially my fault, for not being financially stable ever since I moved out of my parents house. I really just needed to get out of there as soon as possible, and I don't regret it.

I work at a popular club called Midnight as a singer on the stage by the dance floor. It really is quite a popular club so I was lucky to be a regular act on the weekends. Back in high school I was told I could sing very well, but I find myself to be mediocre. Besides, this is only to pay the bills along with my second job as a waiter at a diner. Singing was just a hobby, it wasn't what I wanted to do with my life. Now that I think about it, I still don't know what to do with my life.

My weekday routine was getting up in the morning and getting dressed in my uniform for the diner, shoving breakfast down my throats and heading to work. Then I would come home and eat, having the rest of the day to myself. But on weekends it would be the same up until getting home from my first job. After the diner, I would eat and relax for a while then dress into fancier attire to perform in.

I had worked a long shift today at the diner, and I was aching from standing so long and walking back and forth to tables. After work I didn't really do much, since I really had no friends.

Sad, I know. From time to time I start to miss the feeling of happiness and friendship. Everyday is the same for me and I always wonder when the day will come that everything will change. I craved a change, this life I was living was repetitive and plain. People my age are out partying and they're in college. But me, I was handling two jobs trying to survive. I couldn't really convince myself to think of my parents as family. They were never happy with my choices or the straight A report cards I worked so hard to get. All for nothing.

For a few hours I watched movies on my laptop that I've had since high school. Hours pass and before I know it I'm bored out of my mind.

I sigh, standing up from my small couch of my cramped apartment and shut off the TV. It was about to be nine o'clock at night; I had to be at the club by ten o'clock, and I would be able to leave around two o'clock in the morning. The extremely late hours I had to work did tire me very much, but I had no other options. My feet carry me into my room to go and get ready for tonight.

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