Chapter Two

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[a/n]: Most of this story will be in Florence's POV, just so you all know. If you are wondering who plays Florence and who the cast consists of feel free to check out the cast list! Be aware that each chapter will probably contain minor grammatical errors and typos. Lastly, in each chapter I will be adding a YouTube video with a song that I think would be a good song to listen to while reading. Okay that's all, have fun reading.



Complete and utter silence is all I can hear. I see nothing but pitch black. Some kind of blindfold sits on my eyes, preventing me from seeing anything. I've tried to move; only to realize my arms and feet are tied to the chair I sit on. Screaming and crying for help did nothing. All that came was the echoes of my pleads for help. So as of now, I sit here miserable without a clue as to what's going on.

It seems like I've been sitting here for hours, until I hear the squeak of a metal door open and footsteps approach slowly. They suddenly stop, because they are now in front of me I assume.

The blindfold is taken off of me, and I see the man who opened the door for me in Randy's office. He stares at me without saying a word, and I'm not sure if I should speak up.

"W-why am I here?" My voice croaks out, being weak from screaming earlier.

"That's not for me to answer." He replies.

He has a Bradford accent? I didn't see that coming.

"My name is Zayn. I'd like to apologize for being so rough yesterday, I was following Harry's orders. But truly I find myself to be a pretty nice guy." He sends me a shy smile.

"It's been a day?" I ask, disregarding his apology.

"Yeah, you were out for a while."

My stomach growls loudly, taking over the silence of the room.

Zayn's face shows a hint of amusement, "Right uh -- let's get you something to eat."

He carefully unties my legs and arms from the ropes tied to the chair and allows me to stand up.

Zayn starts walking towards the door of the room, "Oh and don't try anything, you won't succeed."

He then continues towards the door, turning the knob and opening the door. I stand there for a few seconds, was he really gonna let me walk freely?

"Well what are you standing there for? Come on," Zayn waves his hand at me, waiting at the door.

I slowly walk towards the door, being cautious incase Zayn would be aggressive. As I'm walking I take notice of the throbbing pain going through my ankles and wrists. Uncomfortably, I finally make it to the door, following Zayn up a staircase leading to another door.

"Watch your step, it's kind of dark down here." He says softly, bringing me in front of him.

He places the palm of his hand on my lower back, guiding me up the steps making sure I don't fall. When reaching the top, I push the already opened door, and I'm greeted by a house full of men.

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