Chapter Four

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[a/n]: This chapter has a violent scene in it so just a warning! Also don't forget to listen to the songs I attach on every chapter. But can we all just take a moment and admire Harry in that gif 😍. That's all, enjoy the chapter!



"Okay," Dana comes into view behind the wall walking back over to me. "I wasn't gone too long right?"

"No, don't worry." I force a laugh, waving her off.

Dana picks the curling iron up and combs out my hair, preparing to style it. Her fingers flow through my hair as she repeatedly wraps my hair around the iron, then letting the hair go to lie on my shoulder.

About thirty-minutes go by and she finally finishes curling the last strand of hair, letting it fall. Popping the cap off of the hairspray can, she sprays over my curls lightly, making sure they stay in place.

"Okay hun, your hair and makeup is complete." Dana says, "I'll walk you down to the front of the building to get into the limo."

Limo? How fancy. Oh what am I saying, he's a gang member. Who knows how he earns money?

Dana catches me off guard as she quickly strides towards the entrance of the salon, while I jump from my seat trying to keep up with her. As we walk down the hallway she takes a sharp right, leading us into the living room. The three men that were once there were now gone, with cigarette ashes left in the ashtray sitting on the table.

Continuing to walk through the spacey living room, she takes a left revealing what seems to be the front of this place. Two beautifully designed front doors stand tall in front of us as we approach. Her hand latches onto the handle, and she pulls it open.

Taking a deep breath in, I feel satisfied to finally be able to get some fresh air. I've been in stuck inside for a while, and I really hated it.

A limo is seen parked in front, right next to the stone sidewalk I stand on. Looking around I see that the front of this place contains a beautiful garden with many flowers and plants.

My head turns around to see what I've been inside of these past few days. My mouth opens in awe as I look at a huge mansion type of house. The exterior of the house is large and elegant.

I'm snapped out of my trance as a man taps me on the shoulder, "Miss, after you." He points to the opened door of the limo.

"Thank you," I tell him as I sit on the leather seat, scooting close to the window on the other side.

He doesn't shut the door just yet; Harry then enters the car, not bothering to thank the man.

The door finally shuts, and Harry takes a seat, very close to me. The limo takes off to our destination and I can't help but notice that our thighs are brushing.

He looks down at me. "You look absolutely gorgeous, baby."

Hearing those words come out of his mouth makes me want to gag. How could I ever be loyal to a monster that kidnapped me and stalked me?

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