A New Goal

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     All I could do to not be noticed was to hold as still as possible with a straight face.  No matter how Master was planning on publicly punishing my "co-worker".   The poor newcomer had broken a glass during the auction held earlier that night.  If we were normal employees the boy would probably only been scolded or maybe even docked pay, but what would I know.  Master was an angry man who would use any excuse to beat one of us.  What I think was last week he killed a young human for speaking without permission.  We were all something of supernatural decent, some witches, werewolves,  other vampires even.  I did my best to imagine I was deaf so I wouldn't hear the unfortunate events unfolding in front of me. The fairies scream filled the auction hall, his wings had been clipped and bound to prevent him from flying and using his magic to potential.  I knew the moral thing to feel would be wanting it to stop, but I was only glad it wasn't me.  I glanced at the others around me, noticing how many did the same thing I was, except the fairies brother.  They were new, meaning this was the first time they witnessed the cruelties of Master.  He stood still watching in horror, tears running down his face in silent sobs.  I heard a sharp crack, taking my attention.  The boy lay sobbing in the fetal position cradling his left arm, most likely broken.  His face already bruising and swelling from the beating.  Once Master spit on him and left the hall, I went to the boy maybe 14 years old.  I began to check him out, finding his nose sat at the wrong angle.  His brother looked to be the same age as him and was crying uncontrollably holding his brother's good hand. I helped the boys to their cots. 

     "My names Kane, what's yours?" I ask with a low quite voice as to not startle the beaten boy.  It was unusual for me to be "making friends" because I knew they would either be sold or killed soon.  The beaten boy only whimpered in response, though his brother spoke with a thick British accent, "My names Oliver and my brothers is Jack, is he going to be okay?" he clung to his brother tighter.  I felt even worse for the brothers, they will definitely not leave this horrid place together. 

     "I can try to fix his arm and his nose, but I don't know how well he will be able to use his arm after it's healed and his nose will never be straight again," I said in a matter of fact tone.  I've forgotten how to convey emotion in my voice, or at all in fact.  

     I stabilized his arm the best I could, given I've never had any kind of training.  Jack, the fairy, passed out before I was done strapping his arm onto a plank.  The brothers cuddled up with each other by the time I left.  

     The word got around that Master was looking for me to join him in his study.  Reluctantly I went to join him.  Finding my way through the dark hallways had become second nature to me.  I was unsure of how long I've been here, at least 4 years if I had to take a guess. I knocked on his door and waited for him to call me in.  "Who is it?" his sweet vampire voice would call to most things, but it repelled me.  "It's me, Master.  I was told you wanted to see me." I kept my face as blank as possible.  Keeping me from falling completely below him.  "Yes, yes."  Master was an old vampire almost as old as the Volturi, the ruler of the vampires from what I can gather.  He had on modern clothing,  wearing a classy business suit.  He rose from his wooden chair and almost glided towards me.  "Last morning I heard something interesting from a colleague of mine.  She said that she recognized your scent."  My body stiffened, what could he know?  "I have had a few Masters before you," I kept my voice and face blank. "I know that, but she said it was a very old, very special smell." His snake-like body drifted closer, backing me into a corner.  "Kane, I must ask, how old are you?"  His red eyes drilled into my soul.  "I think I'm about 15, Master," of course I had no clue as to when my birthday was or even how long I've been away from my Master before last.  "What year were you born."  His face grew angry with my playing dumb. "I don't remember, Master" "Give me a ballpark," I began to shake, I've spent so many years trying to hide my true self, if I was found out I would only be sold and used to entertain sadistic vampires.  "I told you I don't remember."  I kept my voice hard and face harder, trying to tell him to quit pressing.  I had worked way too hard to be sold at one of his damned auctions. "What are you hiding from me, you stupid girl?  Was my colleague right about you?"  His hands were on both sides of me, further pinning me to the wall.  "What did your colleague think I am?" could she know?  How the hell would she know?  "She believes you are a true shape shifter, a very rare breed.  Did you know there are hardly any of you left?"  I felt my cool hard face breaking and giving in to anger.  "I'm just a stupid human," I practically growled through my teeth.  "I don't think you are!  Show me, now!" He was yelling now, I could smell the blood on his breath, and his sharp fangs bared.  

"Trust me, you don't want me to show you." I let a throaty rumble leave my lips.  My teeth slowly elongated and sharpened.  Being the impulsive creature I am, my bones started to ache as my mind mussed over the animals I could use to rip the vampire in front of me to tiny pieces.  Masters hand shot up to my throat with blinding speed.  I hesitated a moment too long, not changing for years has made my mind slow and senses dull. 

A gasp escaped from my lungs, halting every effort to change. I felt my wind pipe crumple under his granite grip.  My skull made a low thud as it hit the wall behind me.  The wood paneling splintered in to my scalp, my head went fuzzy with the sudden jolt.  My hands moved to his cold wrists,  without any air my strength was a fraction of what it could be.  A gargle escaped my lips.  The black around my eyes crept closer to the center.  "Listen to me you little bitch," Master growled, "you are nothing, just like a little bug."  A gargle of a response was all I could manage.  I felt my consciousness slipping away because the lack of oxygen to my brain.  The only thing I've found, to have the ability to actually kill me.  My hands dropped from his, a warm liquid dripped from my fingertips, I had realized some of my finger nails were missing.  My dull senses only barely registered the thud of my limp body hitting the floor.  Then nothing.

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