A New Life

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Slowly my eyes opened, groggy from the long sleep. I noticed a slight wheeze coming from some where near by, what was that? I stopped breathing to try and focus on the noise, but I couldn't hear it anymore. With a heavy breath I heard the wheeze again. I focused on my throat to find my windpipe was still slightly crushed from the bastard vampire. I must have only been out for a few minutes, being able to change form I can heal fast. With a groan I opened my eyes, and stretched out my legs. My arms felt heavier than normal and with a glance I could tell why. My hands where in cuffs chained to the wall. That dumb bastard thinks that some metal can hold me? A low chuckle left my throat. With a big breath I pulled at the cuffs and chains to at least release myself from the wall. The wall groaned along with me but didn't give away. As I exerted more energy black circles crept in around the edges of my vision. "Shit," I didn't have any energy left from healing myself.

"Oh, you're awake?" A high feminine voice almost rang in my ears it was so high pitched. My ears were almost as sensitive as any vamps. "The hell do you think?" My tone was sharper than I had intended it to be, my time was limited and I wasn't sure what the Master would do. "I think you're awake," her giggle was like bells, my eyes found her walking in with a silver tray. She was small, couldn't have been older than 13. Her small face was framed by golden blond curly hair, complementing her blue/green eyes. The smell of freshly fried french fries wafted through the air. Pulling my attention away from the bratty blond and to her tray. My sensitive nose could pick out the type of oil used to fry the fries in. My mouth watered with the anticipation of the salty potato treats. "Do you want some french fries?" The blond child's voice rang. I nodded vigorously, as I swallowed the lob of saliva that had formed in my mouth. "Oh good, because they're for you," she bent down and put the try, pilled high with thin, golden potato crisps in front of my face. I felt my mouth drop open and my eyes widen. Oh dear god, thank you! Without being able to move my hands close enough to use them, I dove in mouth first. I snorted as I practically inhaled the salty goods. In the back of my thoughts I heard the blonds bell like laugh. I must have looked like a starving animal. Though that wouldn't have been too far off from the truth.

Before I knew it my fried treat was gone. A wave of longing for more rushed over me, revealing the true depth of my hunger. "If you want more, Master says you have to do the tricks he asks you too, okay?" Her head tilted to one side as if she was trying to be cute. "What do you mean by 'tricks'," I glared. "Oh, I don't know," she sighed, "I can't wait to find out though!" She smiled with pearly white teeth. She must have been one of the front worker's. She looks healthy, I wonder how long until she's being sold off? Her blonde curls bounced away. I couldn't let my mind rest somehow I had been let off easy with out my special "powers" being found out. After killing my first master I was able to pass off as human with a high temperature and fast heart rate. Now I was going to be a show horse for the rich blood suckers. My mind raced over what I could do to get out of this sticky mess I got myself in to.

My sharp ears heard the high ting of a metal knife on a glass, and master clear his throat to get the others in the halls attention. Fuck, I'm outta time. I heard his sickly sweet voice welcome his guests and introduces his new found prize, me. A new slave joined me. "Ready to be put up on display?" His voice was rough like he hadn't talked in years, much like mine. He seemed to have a better grasp on reality than the blond dip-shit. "Do you know how much he's selling me for?" I asked as he unlocked my chains from the wall, "He only paid five hundred for me when he bought me," the hatred leaking through my words. "I think he's starting the bid at two thousand," his tone matching mine. I faintly heard my name on the stage. I swallowed hard and walked to my "death".

The bright light blinded my sensitive eyes as I stepped out on stage to stand beside Master. The boy handed my chain off to Master, bowed, and moved back into the shadows. His awfully sweet scent almost made me hurl. "As you can see friends I have wrapped this one up nice and tight," he pulled me closer to him. Fighting every instinct I had to pull away from him. I kept my eyes fixed on the ground, trying to hold a straight face. "This thing is rare, maybe even last of its kind," his stone cold hands grabbed my hair and pushed me forward towards the sea of red eyes, I tripped over the chains around my ankles making his hold on my hair the only thing holding me up, "a true shapeshifter!" the crowd gasped and applauded. My scalp burned with the strain put on it. I kept my hands in front of me in the chains. Master pulled me back into him and held me up as I found my feet again. "What would we like to see this magnificent creature change in to?" he bellowed in to my touchy ears. I heard whispers through out the crowed that would sound like someone talking to the vamp next to me. "I can only do mammals ," I whisper a quietly as I could manage so the vamps up front wouldn't be able to hear. His grip tightened on my hair but his smile didn't show how irritated he was to my bit of new information. "A tiger it is!" His slight edge on hearing must have been able to pick that request out of the mutters. His fingers come together in a sharp snap. I winced. The boy who had brought me out to Master was back and started to unlock my chains around my ankles, wrists, and neck. I took a step forward and concentrated on the differences I would have to make to my body. Only picturing the final result. My body groaned and whined with the change. With a burst of energy I came through the change as larger orange, black, and white tiger. I let out a roar as loud as I could make it just for the vamps in the front. Then laid down, trying to clear the foggy mess of my mind before he asked me to change in to something else or back.

The shocked vamps gasped at the marvel they just witnessed. Oh fuck off, I growled to myself. "Are there any questions for me or my glorious beast? Please do come up and ask!" His excitement was so genuine like he really loved to be up on stage selling a living creature like myself. The vampires that worn't interested in me began to mingle around the room while a line formed to speak with me and my Master. "Change back, now." I stood up on my large paws, still shaking, and took the fur back in to my body to dissolve it. My bones creaked and moaned as they stretched and compressed back in to a human skeleton. My naked body was exposed to the whole room of vamps of a fast moment. The boy slave through a grey robe over me. I gasped as I tried to get used to my two legs again. The boy caught me as I fell in to him. "thank you," I gasped out. That small thing of french fries was not enough for me to change that much, in that little time period. "Are you alright?" His voice was right in my ear as he tied the robe around my waist. "I think so, its just been so long since I've changed like that," I held on to his arms for support. He clicked my "collar" in to place then handed the chain over to Master. Than began to click the feet restraints in to place when Master pulled me to him and away from the kind boy.

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