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My new home was not going to be boring.  It turns out my healing would be used here.  This house was a large prostitution ring for vampires and I was to be their new attraction.  Like any other place it may have taken a bit longer to get used to but I did.  If I just look down and do as I was told no one looked at me twice.  

Except her.  She was a young human with long straight dark brown almost black hair.  But what really caught my eye was her eyes.  They were stunningly green against her brown skin and so full of life.  But I only got to see her, occasionally I could smell her beautiful flower like smell.  I got many lashings because I couldn't keep myself from looking and getting desecrated.  We would smile at each other as we crossed paths.  Life was generally good much better than the other place.

One long ring followed by two short.  My code.  The bells in the servants room told me to go see the masters.  I tried to slow my heart rate and convince myself that it was nothing, just cheeking in.  

I knocked twice and waited at the door to their office.  "Come in pet." I was the only one they referred to as pet.  I walked in and the female was sitting on the males lap, the smell of them had me holding my breath.  "have you ever been bitten pet?"  the male asked while twirling his mates hair. "um, no sir, I thought being bitten killed my kind."  A brush of stinging and a low thud behind me.  I touched my cheek to find blood on my fingers.  My eyes widen and I start shaking.  I found that the best way to not get hurt is to act scared.  "don't lie to me pet and I wont have to hurt you, you know I don't like hurting my beautiful pet,"  Hes up and holding me against the door.  "yes sir, I know"  my voice is shaky.  "good, good"  he whispers in my ear giving me a good whiff before leaning back.  "now tell me has another vampire ever bit you."  "yes, sir" I say reluctantly.  "show me."

I pull my shirt down below my collar bone where a faded white scar out lines a set of teeth.  "how did you feel after"  I try not to let the painful memory of the experience cloud my acting.  "It hurt when he bit me and after his venom spread though out my body."  "but you didn't turn?"  "no, my body healed and fought off the venom."  "how long did it take?  And how long till you recovered?"  He was watching my face intensely.  "Days, maybe a week till I was at 100%"  I said slowly.

Not even half a second passed when his teeth sank into my old scar.  A scream escaped my lips.  I tried to push him off but my strength was leaving me as he drank my blood.  "Sir, I can bleed out and die, please I like it here,"  I beg.  A second thought came to me,  I have lived too long even though I tried to kill myself multiple times with out success why was I begging to live? 

My final thought before giving in to the darkness was her face.

When I came too my body burned.  I groaned.  My hands moving to my bite wound.  "Bastard vampire".

"You know you shouldn't talk about our masters like that." I composed my face and looked for the sweet voice.  "Hi," her white teeth against her dark brown skin made my heart leap.  "My name's Jennifer." "Hi, mines Kane". I smiled at her, the burning was let up.

"What happened to you?  You don't look so good." I tried to keep the grimmis of pain off my face as the fire was moving down my arm.  "You know something, I don't feel so good either," I chuckled.  Her eyes looked so sad, "don't worry about me, I'll be fine" I tried to smile but the venom was burning red hot now.  "Cover your ears love." I managed before I let out a scream.  The only thing to make me scream in pure agony is the venom of a blood sucker.

The fire moved throughout my body, it took 4 days and I was bedridden for another 3 days.  But it was all bearable because she was there.  Jennifer never left my side.  She helped me eat and kept me as comfortable as possible.  She was my everything.

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