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The vampires file past asking their questions and checking me out for any scaring that would show I was a trouble slave. Of course they wouldn't find any, not that I was easy to get along with but I don't scar. I heal fast which means so does the scar tissue that would show that I had been injured. The vamps came and went, I didn't even bother with paying more attention to their features. All the vampires look the same at first glance, the pale perfect skin and the red glowing eyes gave them away instantly. After the last beasts cool presents left Master snapped his fingers with a sharp crack. The boy took my chains and lead me back to the dark. My body relaxed and I fell to the floor. I was exhausted. The boys warmth disappeared from behind me, guess he has better things to do. I stay there on my hands and knees taking deep breaths so I wouldn't pass out.

The smell of something sweet reached my nose. Slowly I open my eyes and turn twords the sent. Behind me the boy had a plate of steaming buns, I could place the sweet smell now, it was red bean. A few decades back I found myself in China and steamed red bean buns were my favorite sweet. I glowed at the boy, "How'd you know?" He just smiled and handed me the buns. I popped one in to my mouth. The sweet bean paste spread over my tongue. Didn't give myself enough time to savor them, I was too hungry. I wiped my mouth clean of the drool and flour after finishing the warm buns. The sharp tap of heels on concrete made my head turn.

My eyes went to her dull Scarlet eyes, lined and brought to a point on the outer corner. Her hair was long and framed her perfect face in striking black waves. Nothing was out of place. Her lips were a dusty rose color. Her pungent scent hit me like a slap across the face. Master made an angry grunt, my eyes fell on his flaming eyes, "up," his command was harsh and harder said then done at the moment. I wobbled standing up holding the kind boys hand for stability. "What is your name child?" Her voice was more masculine then I expected. "They call me Kane madam, but you may call me anything you wish," I bow my head slightly. "Kane will do fine," her hand grabbed my face and turned it side to side. Her frigid hand made me shiver. "Are you running a fever?" "No Ma'am, I have an average temperature of 105." I keep my eyes fixed on her black heels. "Very well, I have some experience with your kind and they all heal at different rates, how fast do you heal?" She's known other shape-shifters? "well?" I stammered before answering "I'm not sure ma'am." With no warning her arm was around my left leg and her other arm came down hard on my thigh, sending a crack through the hall. I let out a gasp. The pain was nothing to what I've felt before, but it still hurt. I fell with my leg curled up to my chest. "wait, are you in pain?" I could only growl in response. "You've sold me a broken one, most of its kind don't feel pain. I reluctantly straightened my broken leg to reline the bone. The bone popped as it slid in to place, my leg felt all warm and my toes tingled like there was thousands of tiny needles poking my foot.  I grimmest at the uncomfortable felling, and tried not to glare at the ice women who broke me.  "Once you can walk, we'll go," she didn't sound like she wasn't very keen on waiting long so I stood even though my leg wasn't completely healed yet, I limped along the best I could.  We walked though the back way and once she opened the door the smell of the fresh air hit me hard.  I fell to my knees.  I hadn't been out side in years.  "What year is it?" I ask staring at the beautiful orbs of light that shown down on the brick street.  "The date is October 26, 1895 and you are in Leeds England.  How long have you been with the Mr. Goldenrod?"  I took a moment to think about it.  I had had no reason to think about time.  "I, I don't know."  she looked down on me with what I think was sympathy.  

"Get up and get in the Buggy."  her voice was cold but her eyes had a warmth in them.  "Buggy?  Whats a Buggy?"  "This."  she opened the door to a shinny blue metal box with wheels.  It reminded me of a horse drawn carriage, without the horses of course.  I got in the door that was open for me and slide all the way over.  I put my hand on the cold window to the out side.  The start of the  buggy scared me.  Everything rumbled under and around me.  After a while the rumble was comforting and put me to sleep.  

When I finally wake we were the country.  A large mansion was the only thing for as far as I could see.  "get out and follow me."  My new master was out of the car and already to the front door in a flash.  Inside the space was just incredible, the front area was bright and open. "Darling I got you a present."  The vampire said no louder than a normal tone but another vampire was in front of me.  "Oh my dear!  You shouldn't have!" His voice was deep but soft.  He groped at my body, looking all over me.  "sir," I say quietly.  A brisk slap across my face left me stunned.  "If I wanted to hear you speak I would have asked,"  his eyes and voice were hard and as cold as he was.  My breath hitched.  "you may apologize dear,"  "I.... I'm sorry master"  I dropped my eyes to look down at our feet instead of his face.  He inhaled close to my neck sending a shiver down my spin.  "Darling, you didn't!  A true shapeshifter?  How?"  His grip on me tightened.  I groaned.  The female scoffed, "as you can see its a bit broken, it feels pain"  his hand entangled in my hair and pulled, making me look at him.  My face twisted with the discomfort.  "so it does, but does it heal like the rest?"  He ran his tongue along my jaw.  It took everything in me to not gag.  "yes, I broke the leg and as you can see it walks just fine, any pain in your leg?"  "no ma'am" I gasped. 

A bell rang and another servant was there to show me everything.  I was to show up first thing at the beginning of the night to get a job assignment.  I could only hope for a boring life here like my last home.

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