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Harry didn't know what to think. Voldemort had sent him a message via telepathy (because they can connect to each others brains bc a part of Voldemort lives inside harry) to meet him in Godric's Hollow. Harry knew there was something fishy going on here and he thought if he listened to Voldemort's message, he might be able to get to the bottom of this.
Harry had a flashback of last M
ay when he witnessed Voldemort killing his friend, Cedric without any remorse and he knew his anger at Voldemort grew significantly since then.
But Despite all harry's anger towards him, he couldn't help blush when thinking of Voldemort whispering his name. It gave him a feeling even Ron's touch couldn't compare to.

Harry entered Godric's hollow, the first time he ever entered the village since the night his parents died. He noticed a tall, bald man standing a few yards ahead of him. His heart pounded in his chest. Harry noticed the muscles bulging through Voldemort's tight robes. His shiny, bald head reflected the full moon in the night. Harry began to wonder if Lupin wouldn't be the only one howling that night.

"I've been waiting, haarrryyy." Voldemort's voice sounded different when he said Harry's name.

Harry became scared and wondered if he should have gone there in the first place. He had almost forgot that Voldemort was the one who killed his parents and who nearly killed him last year.

"Why are we here?" Harry said nervously as the dark lord moved closer to him.

"You've been...." Voldemort paused. "On my mind lately." Voldemort had moved so close to him, he could feel his breath blowing on him in the warn summer air.

"I can hardly think I'd ever be off your mind considering I'm the only one who has ever defeated you." Harry started to feel shivers where Voldemort gently caressed his shoulder.

"Oh Harry, these feelings are different..." Voldemort seemed to be too nervous to finish as he turned away from Harry and looked to the ground.

"W-what do you mean?" Harry had had the same problem recently. Ever since he had seen Voldemort in that graveyard during the triwizard tournament, he couldn't help but noticed how beautiful Voldemort was despite being evil.

"I-I... this is harder than I imagined it w-would be..." Voldemort began to stutter.

Harry notice the nervousness in Voldemort's voice. He put his hand under voldemort's chin and lifted up his face. Voldemort's red snake eyes twinkled in the night. He noticed a single tearing dripping out of his right eye.

"You look very handsome under the moonlight, y-you know." Harry said romantically.

Voldemort's tear stained eyes lit up. "D'you really think that?"
Instead of a reply, Harry did something he thought he would never do, he took Voldemort's faced and pressed his lips against Voldemort's cold, marble colored ones. he had never felt something as intense and powerful as their kiss. In that moment Harry knew nothing would ever be the same again.


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