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    Ron watched as his once beloved rat turned into a full grown man. It had been proven that Scabbers was in fact, not a rat at all, but Peter Pettigrew, the man who had sold his best friend's parents out to Voldemort. Ron reflected on all the wonderful times he had gone to fortescue's and shared his ice cream with scabbers or the times when Scabbers would gently lick his face when Ron was feeling down. Even though he was just his pet rat, Ron had never had the kind of feelings he had for Scabbers for anyone else and he knew it impossible for someone else to give him those kind of feelings. The warm, fuzziness Ron had in his chest for Scabbers had began to pound harder when the truth that lay behind that beautiful brown fur was staring straight at him.

    Remus and Sirius looked disgusted at the balding, stout young man. What everyone else in the room saw as a shabby, disgusting piece of vermin, Ron saw the most beautiful creature he'd ever laid eyes on. If the story that Sirius had told them was true, then it meant Scabbers was in league with the Dark Lord. Ron felt very conflicted with his feelings. He knew that Pettigrew was a bad man and had betrayed his closest friends, but Ron knew that he must've had good intentions. Maybe he didn't think Lily and James would die? Maybe he double crossed the Dark Lord and was actually in league with Dumbledore and Sirius just didn't know the whole story? No, of course not, thought Ron.

    Pettigrew saw the look on his two former best friend's faces. He had never seen either of them look at something with such disgust. His head then turned to Ron. His silky, orange hair lay gracefully on his round head. He could sense the disappointment in his face. He could feel his pain that all the wonderful times they had together were in the past. He wanted to reach out to him and confess how he had truly felt all these years and that he was still the same rat he had always been, but words were never Peter's strength.

    Peter looked back at the once young and energetic boys he used to call friends. "S-sirius... Remus... My old friends..." He said nervously. Any moment now it seemed as if they would shoot the killing curse at him until....

    "DON'T KILL HIM!!!" Peter turned to see Ron limp to his side as fast as possible. Peter noticed his red rimmed eyes and tear stained cheeks.

    "n-no... R-ron..." Peter choked out. He felt Ron's hand brush against his shoulder and could feel shivers go down his spine.

    "RON HE'S NOT YOUR RAT ANYMORE GET OVER IT." Harry screeched at him. Ron, who had trusted Harry with his deepest, darkest secret about his true feelings for Scabbers was about to betray him in front of everyone.

    "I trusted you Harry to not mention that." Ron squeaked out.

    "Ron, He killed my parents!" Harry had lowered his voice. Lupin, Black, and Hermione watched them in disbelief.

    "A-are you saying, H-harry, th-that Ron was in love with Scabb- Pettigrew?" Hermione stuttered.

    Harry nodded his head and Ron dropped his hand from Pettigrew's shoulder and looked down, ashamed.

    Lupin and Black still stood and watched the whole scene in disbelief.

    "R-Ron, is th-this true?" Pettigrew choked, overwhelmed that his feelings were reciprocated.

    Ron nodded his head solemnly.

    "O-oh Ron I've been longing to tell you how I felt for all these years... A-and I never could without showing you my true self. "

    Ron looked up into Pettigrew's soft, delicious brown eyes. He could stare at them forever. Unexpectedly Peter had pulled him in an embrace and planted his soft, cracked lips against his. He could taste the rat tonic in Peter's mouth as they kissed passionately for what seemed forever.

    And there they were, two forbidden lovers in a room full of enemies. Ron was abandoning everything to be with the man he loved so desperately.


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