Chapter One-Awakened

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Finally I have been awakened!, I think as I get off of the post that evil farmer Sjin bound me to.

That goddamn son of a bitch doomed me to an eternity of watching over wheat fields. And he was going to pay.

I stalk across the fields before making my way over to the store house.

I quickly craft a ruby sword and pickaxe, and head out as fast as possible, also with stacks and stacks of cobblestone in my pack.

I sprint to the mine, avoid the creepers the best I can and head down the staircase.

I dig out the coal that I see and make torches. I encase myself in a small room of cobblestone and put up torches and wait for the sun to rise.


I dig out a block of cobblestone, and am forced to cover my eyes with my hands. It's finally day.

I head up to the entrance, and see a name plate sticking out.


I avoid my temptations to run up and kill him, and crouch my way up the stairs towards the light of the noon sky.

I see a dirty shirt, blue overalls, and a green hoe hang over the farmers body.

I am suddenly filled with an overwhelming emotion that I have never felt in all of the times that I have awakened.


 I control my hormones and continue sneaking past him. If he were to know that I was after him now-or if I am actually a girl-I don't even know what I would do.

I go right behind him, and keep my eye on him as I creep against the wall slowly.

I expect to start climbing up the mountain, but then I hear the rhythmic soothing beats of a nether portal. A door back to my homelands.

I go up the stairs towards the portal, never once taking my eyes off of the farmer staring off into the distance, obviously pleased with the building he has done today.

I start to feel the warm surrounding of the nether portal surging through my bones.

I take my eyes off of the farmer and turn to the portal, feeling the full embrace of it's warmness, suddenly reminded of my mission.

Kill the farmer.

No matter what.


Hey guys! Sorry about this chapter being short, but I guess that most first chapters are!

This fan fiction, if you haven't already figured this out, is from Sjin's Feed The World Series.

I'm going to do it mostly from the StrawFinger's perspective, to give a story behind her. Oh, and I made her be a girl!

I'm also doing another fan fiction with GingerW0lf, but the first chapter is one her profile so go check that out!


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