Chapter Three-Escaping My Homelands...Again

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I stare off to the end of the lava lakes that surround my now lonesome cobblestone tower.

I see pigmen on the other side of the lake. They are talking about the girls in the tower, and how one looks oddly familiar. They're obviously talking about me. They speak of pink hair and blue lips, and the legend of the wizard, where the daughter looks exactly like this mysterious girl. Me.

I hear them and run down the stairway to my room and slam the door.

"I should have known that this place wouldn't be safe." I mutter to myself. I can't believe that I thought I could be safe here. If I stay, it will only be a matter of time before Burgmound's minions find me and take me back to him so he can finish his experiments.  

I had thought that they had taken Kim, before I found out that Sjin had found the tower, saw her staring across the oceans, and took her away. I felt bad for traveling to her mind to discover this, but she allowed me. I told her that if I couldn't find her, I would use some of my mystical powers to find out where she was.

I also discovered that she had told Sjin that I am evil and planning to kill him. Although you may be thinking that I was furious with her for saying so, I was actually proud of her. I told her to give him a bad image of me if she ever met him and he asked.

In this game that I'm forced to play in my eternal life, the enemy must chase after you if you are to win. You must make them paranoid to weaken them, so taking them down is no trouble.

By the time I'm done thinking these things, I have collected my ruby pickaxe and sword and secured them on my belt. I then go outside of my makeshift room and close the door. I block up the passageway with the only cobblestone I have left.

I open the door, walk though, and turn to close it behind me.

But when I turn back around I come face to face with a pigmen staring at me, and standing very close.

"I know who you are." he says in the very heavy accent that they all have.

I tilt my head to the side to show that I don't understand, but it's obvious that he isn't buying it.

"I would never forget the little girl that was of Burgmound's creation." he says. Thank god I'm wearing a mask, because I'm gawking at him right now. How did he recognize me even with my mask on?

"I don't know what you're talking about." I saw in the guy voice that I cover myself up with, adding a hint of confusion to it.

I cross my arms and brush my way past him, but at last minute he grabs my upper arm and pulls me towards him.

"I watched you run away that night so long ago." he whispers aggressively in my ear.

 It's then that I understand who this man actually is. He is the boy that summoned me to Burgmound's room that faithful night that I ran off to the pools of lava that surrounded the castle that I knew as home.

"I know nothing of this." I murmur as I roughly rip my arm from his grip.

"I know a lie when I hear one." he says, again putting an iron grip on my arm.

"And I know an annoyance when I see one." I snap back at him.

But I immediately realize my mistake. I didn't disguise my voice. He smiles, obviously amused.

"I thought that this was a mask." he says, fingers picking at the bottom of my scarecrow mask.

"I do what has to be done." I say, squaring my shoulders. I never like to give clues that I will be the one losing the conversation, but this time I must if I want to get out of it.

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