Chapter Four-Duncan Saves Me

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I wake up in my tower in Duncan's castle, that I've been staying in for three weeks now. I see him leaning against the stone at the top of the staircase the leads up to the floor of my room.

"Stalk much?" I say, smiling and rolling myself out of bed.

He smiles and stands up straight, smoothing down his lab coat that he wears every day.

"I just wanted to wait until you woke up." he says, still smiling.

"You could have just shook me awake." I say.

He blushes and I laugh.

A moment of silence is with us before he breaks it.

"You know, you're lucky that you brought your friend here when you did, or else she would have been a goner." he says, suddenly being serious.

"I know." I say, letting my gaze fall to the ground. "How's she doing?"

He looks me in the eye, "She's doing okay."

"Is she awake yet?" I ask.

"Unfortunately not." he says.

I nod. Sarah's been in a coma ever since I got here. I guess it's better this way, since she isn't feeling any pain. Still, it's scary to think that she might not wake up.

I honestly don't know what it is about her, but I just feel like she is a good friend to me, not matter what her reputation is with everybody else. I feel like we've both had people hurt us. Even though I haven't known her for a while, I still consider her one of my closest friends.

"I was kind of wondering why she's purple though." he says.

"Long story." I murmur.

To be honest, I never asked, so I don't know the answer myself. She told me that she was a creature of a magical essence so I figured that that was all that I needed to know to explain her appearance. I never really stopped and thought about what she looked like.

He nods, obviously thinking that I'm hiding something.

"Also, are you sure that she's actually a she?" he asks.

I wanted to tell him that at first I had those same suspicions, but that would only make him not believe me more.

"Yes I'm sure." I say, laughing and rolling my eyes. Even with my earlier suspicions, how could she not be a girl?

"She sure doesn't look like it." he says, laughing.

I don't take it as a joke though.

"Don't be rude Duncan." I simply say.

I brush past him and make my way to the tower next to mine that Sarah is held now in. I activate my jetpack and fly up to Sarah, avoiding the ladder I've put down for her benefit.

What I see overwhelms me with joy.


Sarah A.K.A StrawFingers

As my consciousness returns, I am quickly met with an overwhelming amount of pain. Out of instinct, I shoot up from my position, and quickly take in my new surroundings.

I am in a stone brick tower that has a wooden floor and a double bed that I'm currently laying on. There's a hole in the ground to my side that has a ladder going down. I guess I'm up high.

I grasp my head, overwhelmed with a headache, and realize that my mask is still on. I take it off and let myself breath. I remove the covers from me to see that my right leg is wrapped up with white gauze that is stained red. Red with my blood, I suppose.

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