A New Life

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~March 1990~

These past few months have been pretty good. I'm three months pregnant with Prince and I's first child and today Rayne and I were going to the doctor to find out the gender of the baby. Prince was away on tour and couldn't make it unfortunately but he promised to call me after the show so he could hear the news.

"So what do you think you are having?" Rayne asked.

"I think I'm having a girl. As for what Prince thinks, he could care less. The only important thing to him is that the baby comes out healthy and happy." I replied.

"Well I have to agree with Purple Smurf. As long as the baby is healthy, it really doesn't matter the gender." Rayne stated.

"Rayne can you not be petty towards my husband for once?"

"Sorry Cass. Pettiness is in my blood."

I gave her a quick side eye before the doctor came out to get me.

"Cassia Nelson?" The doctor called.

I got up and followed the doctor to the examination room with Rayne behind me.

Once entering the room I sat down on the examine table and Rayne sat next to me in a chair.

"Hi Cassia it's great to see you again!" Dr Santiago grinned.

"Great to see you again too. My husband is away on tour so I brought my best friend Rayne." I smiled.

"Nice to meet you Rayne. Now let's take a look at that baby and see what you're having."

After the doctor turned off of the lights, he turned on the ultrasound machine and put a jelly like liquid on my now exposed stomach.

"Let's see here... well the baby is doing really well so far and looks healthy. Are you ready to find out if you are having a boy or a girl?" He asked.

"I have been ready." I answered.

"Well it looks like you are having a girl! Congrats Cassia!" Dr Santiago exclaimed.

"Rayne did you hear that? Prince and I are having a baby girl!" I cried.

After the doctor cleaned me up and gave me copies of the pictures of the baby, Rayne and I left to have a quick lunch then head home. A few hours later I was sitting in Prince and I's bedroom reading when the phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi my beautiful wife." Prince said.

"Hi my sexy husband I miss you." I sighed.

"I miss you too. How did the doctor appointment go?" He asked.

"It went really well. I found out what the gender of the baby is."

"Well tell me Cass. Is it a boy or a girl?"

"We're having a girl Prince."

After telling Prince the news, he couldn't stop talking about all of the things that he wanted to do with our daughter and the things that he wanted to teach her. It was a rather sweet moment and I knew he couldn't wait for our daughter to be born which was sometime in September. A few hours later Prince and I hung up the phone and I went to bed. The next day it was pretty empty in Paisley Park so I called Rayne and asked if she wanted to come over for a bit to hang out and if she would bring Zack with her so I see him. He turned two last month and he looks just like his daddy.

"Hi Zack! How's my special little guy doing?" I asked hugging Zack.

"I thought Prince was your special little guy." Rayne laughed.

"Shut up Rayne." I glared.

Now that Prince and I knew that we were having a girl, we decided to start thinking about planning a gender reveal party. We decided it would be two weeks from now and he was leaving the other details up to me up to a certain point.

"So when is Prince coming back for the party?" Rayne asked.

"Next week so he could help me out with the party. I would have done it myself but you know how much of a perfectionist he is." I rolled my eyes.

"Your husband is a trip. Well I get to plan your baby shower right?" She asked.

"Of course you get to! And if Prince has an issue with it then that's his problem." I giggled.

The following week Prince finally came home for a bit for the party and spend some time with me before he had to go back on tour. It was nice having him home for a bit and I wish that his tour wasn't so long but he promised me that he would be home in time for the baby's birth. Besides I wasn't dancing right now so Prince had to be the sole breadwinner. Prince and I were in the living room going over the guest list when I felt a sharp pain on the side of my stomach.

"Ow that fucking hurt!" I groaned.

"Cass you alright?" Prince asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Yeah the baby just kicked me pretty hard. I swear she will either be a ninja, a dancer or a soccer player." I giggled.

Prince bent down towards my stomach and placed his hand on it. As soon as he did that, our daughter kicked again and when she did that, Prince had the biggest smile on his face while I had a look of pain on my face.

"My sweet daughter, please be nice to your mommy. You're putting her in a lot of pain by kicking her." Prince said to my stomach while rubbing it.

"Now that we know that we are having a girl, maybe we should start thinking about names." I suggested.

"Good idea. And we can tell everyone at the party." He said.

"Agreed. I like Monroe for her middle name but I don't know about her first name." I sighed.

"How about Jaelyn?"

"Jaelyn Monroe Nelson. I like that."

Now that our daughter's name was chosen, we went back to choose the guest list which consisted of everyone from our old crew, and my mom and Lacey who was now 11. As for the reveal, we decided to get a black balloon and fill it with pink confetti and Prince was going to pop it. This was going to be an awesome party and I was looking forward to it.

WE'RE BACK Y'ALL! Sorry for the somewhat short chapter but I wanted to give you guys something to read while I'm working on the next chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment! XOXO, Kristan

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