The Most Beautiful Girl In The World

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At 1 am on September 25th 1990, I gave birth to Jaelyn Monroe Nelson via c section. She was the perfect combination of myself and Prince and she looked so beautiful. Prince went to cut the umbilical cord as I was getting stitched up and get ready to go into recovery. I got to see her for a moment and was able to give her a kiss but I wouldn't be able to hold her until the doctor gave me the ok to do so. After I was stitched up, I was then rolled into the recovery room which was where I would be for the next few days until it was time for me and Jaelyn to go home. A few hours later Rayne, Sean and Zack came to visit me and see the new baby while Prince went back home to make sure that everything was ready for my mom and Lacey who would be arriving tonight.

"Cass Jaelyn is so beautiful! She looks just like you but she has Prince's eyes." Rayne said holding her.

"She does. She is going to be a handful when she gets older, but it will all be worth it." I smiled.

It was so cute seeing Sean and Rayne helping Zack hold Jaelyn. It was funny to see two girls who refused to grow up and swore to be single forever as teenagers, now married with kids of our own. I guess we all have to grow up sometimes. After Rayne, Zack and Sean left, Dr. Santiago came back in to check on me and see how I was doing.

"How are you feeling Cassia?" He asked.

"I'm a little sore but I'm good. Is it ok to hold Jaelyn now?" I questioned him.

"Yes you can hold her just please be careful of your stitches." He replied.

After he left the room I got up from the bed and walked towards the bed where Jaelyn was laying down. She was getting fussy so I picked her up and tried to calm her down.

"It's ok Jaelyn. Mama's here and she's not going anywhere. Bet you are hungry though." I cooed to her.

I laid back down on the bed and fed Jaelyn. I talked to her and also sang to her. She was drifting off to sleep when Prince walked in the room.

"How are my two favorite girls doing?" He asked.

"We're doing great. How's everything back home?"

"Everything is good and ready for your mom and Lacey."

I handed Jaelyn to Prince so he could hold her and it was the cutest sight ever. Things haven't been the best right now for Prince as he was beginning to feel the pressure from his record label. Jaelyn came at the right time and was a good distraction from the negative energy that was coming from that situation.

"You know babe fatherhood looks good on you." I smirked.

"And motherhood looks stunning on you." He smiled.

"And the doctor said that I might never have kids but god had other plans. Jaelyn's our miracle baby."

It was actually true. Back when Prince and I were trying to have a baby, I found out that I had a cyst on one of my fallopian tubes and I needed to have it removed. After it was removed the doctor said that the chances of me getting pregnant were very slim but we shouldn't give up trying. A month after having that surgery, I found out that I was pregnant. I remember the night I told Prince the news, he was in total shock. He held me as we both cried over the exciting news and began to plan our future.

Later on that night, Prince and I were hanging out in the room while I was holding Jaelyn and feeding her when my mom and Lacey walked in the room.

"Hi mom. Hi Lacey." I said.

"Let me see my beautiful grandbaby!" My mom whispered.

I handed Jaelyn to my mom and watched as her eyes lit up holding the newest family member. Ever since Prince and I got married, she was begging for us to give her a grandchild. When we told her that we were expecting, she was over the moon about it.

"You and Prince did such a good job. Jaelyn is just the cutest!" My mom beamed.

"Thanks mom. Let Lacey hold her and stop hogging her!" I giggled.

Lacey sat in a chair next to Prince and my mom put Jaelyn in her arms. A few seconds later Jaelyn started to become fussy. Lacey went into auntie mode and started rocking her so she could calm her down. An hour later my mom and Lacey headed back to the house so they could go to bed. Prince wanted to stay at the hospital with me and Jaelyn, but I convinced him to go home and rest. I could handle Jaelyn on my own. Or so I thought.

Jaelyn kept me up at all hours of the night. She would cry and wail for fifteen minutes and I would pick her up and hold her so I could calm her down. She would then sleep for about twenty minutes then she would cry some more because she needed her diaper changed so I would change her diaper and rock her to sleep. By the time I fell asleep, it was already five am. Whoever said that parenthood was going to be easy is a damn lie. I only got a couple hours of sleep before Prince walked into the room holding my favorite flowers and my favorite food for breakfast.

"So how did Jaelyn do last night?" He asked.

"She kept me up all hours of the night. I barely got any sleep." I replied taking a bite of a pancake.

"Well this is our new life Cass. But hey at least when she's older it will be easier to take care of her." He smiled.

"You're right. At least we will be able to give her what we didn't have as kids."

"Right and teach her to remain humble and show others love and respect.

After breakfast and changing Jaelyn's first diaper of the day, Dr. Santiago came in to check on me and Jaelyn. He gave me the news that I would be able to go home tomorrow. He gave me some instructions to follow at home and it was pretty funny seeing the look on Prince's face when the doctor said that we couldn't have sex for a few weeks. After the doctor left, more people came to visit me and to see Jaelyn. When the last visitor left, it was naptime for the baby and for myself. I felt Prince put the blanket on me as I drifted off to sleep.

I would like to know what everyone thinks so far. I know there hasn't been any sexy time yet, but don't worry. It will be coming super soon! Please vote, comment and all that jazz! XOXO, Kristan

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