Girls And Boys

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It was the day of the gender reveal party and I couldn't wait to tell our close friends and family the exciting news. The house was buzzing with activity as staff members rushed to get the house ready for the event that was starting a few short minutes. I was in my giant closet deciding on what to wear. I wanted to look nice so I just slipped on a simple maxi dress and a nice pair of sandals. I wore my hair down in loose curls and did light makeup. I stepped out of the bathroom and sat on the bed and watched Prince finish getting dressed.

"Babe you look so handsome." I smiled.

"Thank you. You look so gorgeous." Prince said slipping on his shoes.

He helped me up and rubbed my stomach before grabbing my hand and leaving our bedroom. We walked downstairs and greeted our guests who were starting to arrive.

"Cassia look at you! You're glowing sweetheart!" My mom beamed.

"Thank you mom. I'm so glad you and Lacey could make it. Even if it's a short visit." I said.

"I wish it was a longer visit." Lacey pouted.

"Lacey you will be back soon. Besides you have school on Monday remember?" I reminded her.

We walked over and I greeted the other guests including Rayne, Sean, Demi and her husband, Janet, Evan, McKayla, Jerome, Morris, Andre and a few others. Prince wanted to reveal the baby's gender but it had to wait until after dinner.

Dinner went by quickly and everyone was talking amongst themselves. As I was talking to Prince, the baby decided to kick again and in the same spot.

"Prince the baby is kicking again." I said in a quiet voice.

"Maybe it's a sign for us to reveal the baby's gender." He whispered rubbing my stomach.

I smiled at him and got out my seat and asked Rayne to get everyone's attention so we could make the announcement.

"EVERYBODY SHUT UP! CASSIA AND PRINCE WANT TO SAY SOMETHING!" Rayne yelled clinking her spoon on her glass.

I gave my best friend a dirty look as Prince and everyone laughed. Prince and I walked into the middle of the room where the black balloon was and I took a deep breath before saying something.

"On behalf of my husband and myself, we want to thank you guys so much for coming and being a part of one of the most important days of our lives. A while ago we found out the gender of our baby and it's in this balloon. If pink confetti comes out, it's a girl. If blue confetti comes out, it's a boy. I know you have been waiting for this moment so go ahead and pop the balloon Prince." I said.

Prince grabbed the safety pin from his pocket and opened it revealing the sharp tip. We counted to three and he took the pin and popped it revealing pink confetti. Everyone clapped and cheered as Prince and I shared a quick kiss. After the party is over, everyone sat around and talked.

"So now that we know it's a girl, do you guys have a name for her?" Demi questioned.

"Her name is Jaelyn Monroe Nelson." I replied.

"That's a beautiful name. I'm so excited to plan your baby shower!" Rayne exclaimed.

"Wait Rayne's planning the baby shower?!" Prince asked.

"Yes I am. Got a problem with it half pint?" Rayne barked.

Before Prince opened his mouth to protest, I smacked Rayne in the arm and told her to be nice. I side eyed Prince and told him to behave. We may all be in our early thirties but sometimes we acted as if we were five.

Ten days after the gender reveal party, Prince had to go back on tour so I was alone again. Since I had all this free time, I decided to get started on Jaelyn's room. I knew what the color scheme would be and I got a few stuff for her room, but I knew we wouldn't get majority of the stuff that we needed until the baby shower which was coming up in a few months. I went inside of Jaelyn's room that got painted 3 days ago and just looked around the room which was painted lilac with black trim and had her name Jaelyn Monroe painted in black cursive over where her crib was. I had visions of waking her up in the mornings and tucking her in at night. I also had visions of Prince and me reading her bedtime stories in the rocking chair that sat in the corner. My eyes started to tear up and I placed my hand on my stomach.

"I can't wait to meet you my sweet baby girl." I whispered.

I made my way back to my bedroom to lay down and take my third nap of the day. I grabbed a small bag of Sour Patch Kids before settling into the covers and slowly closed my eyes.

A few hours later I woke up from my nap starving. I slipped on my slipper and made my way towards the kitchen to grab something. I made myself a sandwich and grabbed an apple and went to the living room to watch a little bit of TV. I watched a few episodes of I Love Lucy before heading back to the bedroom to take a shower. After my shower and slipping on some fresh pajamas, I turned on some music and grabbed the book I was reading, To Kill a Mockingbird, and continued reading the chapter that I was reading the day before. I was interrupted a few moments later by the phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey love." Prince said.

"Hi honey how was the show?"

"It was good. How's everything at home?"

"Great. Jaelyn's room is looking great and she's super active. We miss you."

"I miss you guys too. Well I just wanted to call and check on my girls. I love you so much Cass."

"I love you too Prince."

I hung up the phone and went back to reading. Life was going great so far, but I had a feeling that something bad was coming towards us in the future.

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