Let's Have A Baby

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~September 1990~

The last nine months have been crazy with finishing up Jaelyn's nursery and Prince came home a few days ago from tour and to be there for the birth. I was put on bedrest as Prince didn't want me to do anything and I didn't want to argue with him. As for Prince, he never stopped working. For the past few weeks he was in the studio working on his next album that was coming out next year. He would be often locked up in the studio at all hours of the day so I would either only see him at night when he would come in to check on me before going back to work or when he was going to bed, or when I would go to the kitchen for a snack and we would pass by each other. I wish he didn't had to work so much but I know how important his career is to him. I just hope that once Jaelyn is born, he will slow down and not work as much.

A few days later I just woke up from a nap around four pm when Prince walked into the room with a big smile on his face.

"What has you smiling that big old smile babe?" I asked letting out a small yawn

"I just finished a song and I think it's going to be a major hit. Come on I want you to hear it!" He replied helping up out of bed.

We walked downstairs and walked towards studio c and I sat in a chair next to Prince who was messing with the soundboard. He pressed a few buttons and the opening notes of what sounded like a ballad began to play.

This will be the day

That you will hear me say

That I will never run away

I am here for you

Love is meant for two

Now tell me what you're gonna do

If I gave you diamonds and pearls

Would you be a happy boy or a girl?

If I could I would give you the world

But all I can do is just offer you my love

I lost myself in the song and hummed along to the melody. The song was so beautiful that it moved me to tears. Prince really outdid himself with this song and it sounds like a hit.

"You're crying Cass. Does that mean you like the song?" He asked.

"It's a beautiful song. I think that your voice along with Rosie's sound fabulous together." I sniffled.

"Aw come here babe."

Prince stood up and opened up his arms for a hug. I took a step forward and hugged him but considering the fact that I was pregnant, my stomach was in the way. Just as we separated from each other, I felt a giant SPLOOSH then felt my pajama pants become wet all of a sudden. I knew what was happening and had a look of worry on my face.

"Babe what's wrong?" Prince asked.

"Prince my water broke. It's time." I replied.

Prince had a look of panic on his face for a brief moment before he went into alpha dad mode. He called one of his security guards to get the car while he ran upstairs to get my hospital bag. I placed a quick phone call to my mom and Rayne letting them know that I was going to the hospital and that Jaelyn would be born soon. Once Prince came back from upstairs, we hopped in the car and we were on our way to the hospital. We just got to the front of the hospital where we were met by a nurse with a wheelchair when the contractions got worse.

"Oh fucking hell this hurts!" I groaned.

"It's going to be ok just focus on your breathing baby girl." Prince said helping me sit in the wheelchair.


Prince just chuckled as the nurse rolled me down the hallway and to an awaiting private delivery room. I changed into a hospital gown and laid down on the bed and waited for the doctor to come in.

"Hi Cassia it's great to see you!" Dr. Santiago said closing the door behind him.

"Hi doctor can I have drugs now?" I asked.

Both Prince and Dr. Santiago laughed then the doctor went to wash his hands and put on gloves to see how dilated I was.

"Alright Mrs. Nelson you are about three centimeters dilated so yes you can have an epidural. I'll call the anesthesia tech and have them come up here and give it to you." Dr. Santiago said.

A few minutes later the anesthesia tech came in and gave me my epidural. It wasn't long before the pain subsided and I felt like myself again.

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" Asked Prince.

"Fanfuckingtastic. I love you so much Prince." I smiled.

"I love you too Cass. Maybe you should get some rest."


"Fine what's your favorite song?"

"You don't have to be beautiful! To turn me on!" I sang.

Prince just shook his head as I continued to sing Kiss. By the time I was in the middle of the second chorus of the song, I drifted off to sleep. A few hours later the doctor came in and checked to see if I was ready to give birth.

"Well Cassia you are 10 centimeters dilated. Time to bring a new baby in the world!" Dr. Santiago said washing his hands and putting on gloves.

The nurses came in and helped set everything up as the doctor helped me get into the birthing position. It was at that moment that I got nervous.

"Prince I'm scared." I said in a shaky voice.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here babe." He said holding my hand.

It was finally time for me to push. I gave a few good pushes and was making good progress when the doctor told me to stop pushing. He looked at Prince and me with a look of concern on his face.

"What's going on? Is Jaelyn ok?" I asked my voice full of worry.

"It's not looking good Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. Your daughter has the umbilical cord around her neck. We have to perform an emergency c section. Nurse Beverly I need you to prep her for it and I will go get the operating room ready." Dr. Santiago instructed.

Prince and I looked at each other with a mix of sadness and worry. I don't know how it happened but I just wanted Jaelyn to be a healthy and happy baby. Nurse Beverly gave Prince some scrubs to wear in the operating room and he slipped them on. I was rolled out of the room and down the hall towards the operating room. Prince gave me a kiss on my forehead before I was whisked away into the room and he sat in the waiting room. Once he was given the ok to come in, he joined me and sat next to me. As the doctors were working on me, Prince was keeping me calm.

"Just keep breathing Cass you're doing great." Prince whispered in my ear.

A few seconds later I felt pressure in my stomach area. Shortly after that, loud cries were heard in the room. She was finally here.

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