Chapter 4: You Saved Me In The Time I Needed Most

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Time warp in third person
Ever since the math class in the middle of the bleak winter everything has changed. Ever since the drawing that connected them even further. Violet and Dallas were one.

But, not in the way you would think. Violet couldn't open up to Dallas but, she could listen to him. She listened to all the little quirks and habits of Dallas. He would but his lip every time she talked to him. When she made him laugh she took note of his dimples. He liked Pink Floyd and Green Day. He had a passion for music and every time he would sing a song to himself that she didn't know, Violet would go home and spend hours looking up that song and listening to it.

She did it all for Dallas. Everything that he liked, she loved because he did. Now, she had a reason to look forward too tomorrow.

She moved on from her depression and stoped coming home sad. Her mom started to take notice too. Violet's mom was the happiest she has ever been because of Violet. Even when she though of herself as small and not worth it, she effected everyone she knew.

So every day Dallas would be able to se a bigger smile than before on Violet's face. She looked forward to coming to school because of Dallas. She looked forward to noticing everything about him. That's what kept her going. When she was around him she felt safe, for the first time in two years.She was on a fine line but every day she was becoming happier only because of him... he was keeping her from tearing at the seems.

Dallas has also changed. He has accepted the fact that his relationship with Violet might not be normal, but he looked forward to seeing her every day.
They hardly talked, but he always knew what she was thinking. And he was perfect happy with that.

She was finally starting to open up to him. He wanted so bad to break down those walls.And most of all he felt Violet was his half. He felt complete with her. He didn't even know if they were even dating or not but what they had was just enough. He loved her and she loved him....

This all happened over a span of two years. And now they are both 18.... Dallas wanted so bad to ask her something....

Dallas's pov
I sat down in English class right next to Violet. I was nervous about what I was about to do. My hands started to shake as Violet gave me a concerned look. Just looking into her beautiful eyes made me instantly feel better.

I mustered up the courage and grabbed Violet's hand and said," Violet, I have loved you since the very first day I met you in English class two years ago! I should have asked sooner, but Violet will you go on a date with me?"
Violet's pov
I started to tremble after Dallas asked me out. I loved him! Just the thought of being out in public away from school made my heart flutter. I know it sounds really stupid but that is honestly the kindest thing anyone has done for me!
I said,"Of course Dallas! I would love to!"

I smiled so hard that hard that my face started to hurt. But, I didn't care I couldn't stop, not after what he said!

The rest of the day went by in a flash. I felt like a middle schooler that just got asked to a dance.

I burst out of school and ran all the way home.

I stoped at my doorstep collecting myself while I opened the door. I went to my room, set my stuff down, and went to the living room. I calmly sat on the couch as my mom walked into the room. She sat down on the couch by me. My eyes started to gleam as I said,"Mom Can umm can I um mom can we go shopping for a dress, I have a date tonight", I asked shyly.

That was this first thing I have asked from her in two years.

She started to tear up as she said," I would love to take you dress shopping Violet! Come on let's go right now!"
I couldn't help but laugh at how good it felt to finally do something with my mom. And her urgency was hilarious.
I hoped into the car and on the whole way there my mom couldn't stop smiling.

When we got there she took me to a humongous Dillard's store in the biggest mall in the city. We shopped around for awhile. My mom came back to the dressing room with five dresses.
The first one caught my eye and I tried it on.

It was an ice blue cocktail with a sweetheart neckline with a thin cheetah print belt with rhinestones.

I walked out of the dressing room and out to my mom.
She gasped and said,"You look amazing in that!"

"Thanks mom! I umm I think I want this dress. It fits really well!"
I actually felt pretty in that dress.
After my mom bought the dress, we went into a shoe store and I found a pair of cheetah print heels and bought them.

On the way home from the mall my mom asked,"I never asked um who are you going on a date with honey?"

I burst out laughing because she was too busy buying my a dress to be concerned about my date. "Him name is Dallas mom and I really like him!".....

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