Chapter6:Please Don't Go

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2 months after date
Violet's pov
My mom was driving me to school today, because my car broke down. Ugg my freaking Ford. But, I was still looking forward to seeing Dallas today, I will always look forward to seeing him. I was sitting in the passengers seat when I got a text

I looked down at my rose gold iPhone and unlocked my phone. It was a text from Talia. It read,"Hello Violet this is Talia's mother. Yesterday night Talia was found dead. She was murdered by a man named Jason. She put up a hell of a fight but, she passed and the funeral is this weekend. Jason is now in jail. I am so sorry Vi, I know it will break your heart. The last thing she said was tell Violet I love her."

My eyes widened in fear as I screamed bloody murder. The tears came. "NO NO SHE CANT BE GONE!" I screamed with pain in my voice.

My mom slammed on the brakes and said,"WHAT HAPPENED?"

I could hardly talk as I felt a lump in my throat. "Ttt allia was mmmurdered by Jason!"

My mom tried to soothe me but I couldn't be soothed. This is my fault! He was my lousy boyfriend! I couldn't talk, all I could do was cry in pain. Actual, physical pain, the kind of pain that hurts your heart so much when you breathe your heart aches."SHES GONE!TALIA PLEASE!"

My mom flipped a U turn and firmly said,"You are not going to school today in this state."

I could tell that she was tearing up, but she was doing a good job at being strong. Something good finally happened in my life Dallas, but it was ripped out of my grasp, Talia. I cried more as I thought of how I would never hear her enchanted laugh ever again. I would never see her breathtaking smile that could calm me. All was gone now. It was just replaced with bitter emptiness. I was sucked into that tearing depression of when she moved. Now, she is gone for real. It was all my fault, Jason...I wanted nothing more than to go with her...

I sat on the bed for hours. I couldn't move or the pain would take me. I couldn't cry anymore because my throat burned when I breathed. All I felt was pain, just as the night I was dumped. My mother constantly checked on me. I had no motivation to do anything. I was alive, but the sadness enabled me to move. I could hear the voices in my head screaming at me

You killed your best friend
Not worth it
Not loved
Boy toy
I couldn't take it

I senselessly ran into the bathroom and searched for my razor

I found it. I couldn't take it I just wanted to pain to stop. What's the point of living anymore. Then, I thought about how much this would hurt Dallas. I shed a single tear as I thought Dallas will be better without me.
I'm sorry mom

I rose the shining blade to my arm and slowly started to cut. Each time the pain got worse, but it is the only thing that could save me from this world. I could hear pounding on the door and my mother screaming my name. I was past talking out of it. Bright red blood poured down my arms on onto the white tile. I cut 20 deep cuts, 10 on each arm. I passed out right when my mom broke down the door and caught me mid fall.

Dallas's pov
I felt uneasy as I walked out of second period. Where's Violet? Did something happen? I was about to walk into class when I got a phone call from Violet's mom. She told me everything.

My world slowly fell apart as I sprinted out of school and ran with tears already running down my face. I ran to the hospital thinking Violet please don't go, I need you

Small Gestures Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora