Chapter 2: Heartbreak and Joy

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Violet's pov
I woke up to due to the throbbing pain in my calf and head. I was in my room, then I realized what had happened the night before. The sadness washed over me, but I was so stiff and tired I couldn't cry.

I was in my bedroom when I realized how childish it looked. I had cat posters and my bookshelf was lined with books I read years ago.

I had a bright blue quilt covering my bed and small unicorn nicknacks, scattered on my desk.

When I was little I imagined love as this perfect thing that just hit you and everything magically worked out. I wish that could be true, but really, life is full of joy, hate, love, death and everything in between.

I envied when I still thought life would be perfect as a kid.

A few minutes after I woke up my mom came rushing into my room. I bet she got no sleep last night.

"Honey.... ,she said, almost bursting into tears," I was so worried about you! When I found you on the sidewalk hurt, I thought you were killed. I found that cut in your hip and put some bandages on it. I was so scared I was going to lose you. I called the doctor and he came and took a look and he removed the glass in your leg. Then, he said you would be fine and to call back in a few days. I want to know who did this to you? I thought someone took you! You worried me so much! A 16 old girl in big L.A! Think of what they could have done! So who did this to you honey?"

She grabbed my hand as I told her everything that had happened to me yesterday night....

Time Warp In 3rd person
In the following weeks after Jason broke up with Violet, she started to get over Jason.

Every day wasn't a struggle not to cry anymore. The sadness was slowly replaced with strength.
And the night when Jason dumped, her she built walls. Mental walls. She only opened up to the people closest to her, her best friend Talia and her mother.
She didn't trust anyone else because she didn't want to get her heart broken again.

In the later months Jason came running back to her and her wanted to get back together. But, she refused. It seemed as if she was happy.
But sadly in the spring, right when things were becoming right again, Talia moved away. She moved to some small town that nobody has heard of.

She became lonely and a bit depressed.  She had nobody to talk to and her feelings became pent up. Her mom described it as seeing happiness just around the corner but not being able to move towards it. Violet was trapped.

Although she could still talk to Talia over the phone and text her it still wasn't the same....

About a year later....
Violet's pov
It still wasn't the same without Talia around. I had know one to talk to. Sure we texted and stuff but even she wouldn't text me back for days sometimes.

Some nights I become so depressed I cry myself to sleep. And this was still happening even a year later.

I hate school and all the people in it. I trust nobody. The emotional walls I built us weren't coming down any time soon. I will never be heart broken again....

I woke up and got ready for school. God, I swear high school is a fucking joke. Most people just B.S there way through it.Whatever.

I put some clothes on and did my makeup.  I was wearing a halter top Captain America shirt with black skinny jeans.

I combed my long brown hair and braided the one purple streak in it. Yes, I have purple in my hair and my name is Violet. Some people just don't understand irony.

I went to the kitchen and got a bowl of Captain Crunch and sat down on the sofa, looking at my phone.

I scrolled through Instagram cringing at all the fuss people make about stupid celebrity fights. Social media is so retarded ugh.

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