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Chapter 5 of Yandere!wheatley X Y/n

He eventually dropped me. There he was looking down at me. I shook in fear. He didn't do anything he just stood there. He was ginormous compared to me. "Well well well look at what we have here." He sad in his controlling voice. I tried to make a break for it. I got to the broken panel and I heard the summoning of that evil claw. That made me run even faster. This time I ran and never stopped. Five minutes had passed and I was still running. My chest started hurting, but that didn't stop me. " y/n! If you come back I won't hurt you!" Wheatley begged for me to come back. I wasn't doing it again. "NO!" I would shout. I wasn't returning to him ever again! I ran into one of the test chambers. "Hey, look I thinks it's y/n." I heard the distant voice of POTaDOS. "Look there she is. She looks starved! help her!" I saw them smiled and dropped onto the floor.
I woke up with Chell above me. "Ouch." I grabbed my head. Wheatley had monitors watching the test chambers. "Y/N! Your okay!" I didn't respond to Wheatley. "She doesn't want to talk to you." POTaDOS said. She then asked me. "What did he do to you?!" My voice was very coarse. "He controlled me like a dog and gave me little freedom, until I made a run for it." Wheatley looked shocked, he was probably going to say I was lying. "SHE'S LYING!!!" What did I tell you? POTaDOS spoke up. "I think I believe her more than you!" Chell helped me up. "You guys, I don't wanna go back to him." I weakly spoke. Chell gave a sympathetic look. I smiled back. "Gr.....I WILL KILL YOU 2 FOR TAKING HER AWAY FROM ME!!!! MARK MY WORDS!!!" He then looked at me. "YOU! IT WINT BE LONG BEFORE I GET YOU BACK!" I shivered. Chell then flipped off Wheatley.

——–-——-—a very boring time skip to chapter 9 "the part where he kills you!"_____________

"Only 2 more test chambers to go before your big surprise!" I thought that he was going to kill all 3 of us. Chell stepped onto the Aerial Faith Plate and it didn't launch her the way the plate was pointed. I was stupid enough to do the same thing        "SURPRISE! We're doing it now!" I landed Ina funnel. Chell and POTaDOS were right in front of me so, I sawn to her. The funnel dropped and we were sent flying into an alleyway with...oh my god. There stood Wheatley with 50 spike plates, 88 bombs, 23 turrets, and 4 neurotoxin tubes. POTaDOS said. "Well, I think this is the part where he kills us." He then chimed in. "HELLO! This is the part where I kill you! And take you back." I was sooo done! "BULLSHIT! YOU ARE BOT TAKING MS FOR THE 3RD FUCKING TIME!" The claw lunged at me but, I dogged it. "Well, how will you escape?"  My face went blank. "That's right! You can't!" POTaDOS didn't like that thought and said. "Yes we can just use that conversion gel dripping from the pipe." POTaDOS distracted him while Chell shot the necessary portals and got us to the wall.  "HAHA! TAKE THAT DOUCHE CANOE!" This jut taunted him. He deliberately sent out a wire for me to trip on. "POTaDOS, HELP ME!!" I fell over and then a familiar claw caught me. I've got cha!" The mad A.I. Told me. Wheatley actually let Chell and POTaDOS escape, just taking me. He sat me in his chair and I just cried silently. I realized how thin I was. It seems that Wheatley noticed too. "Here I'll get u some food." That shitty claw grabbed something out of a space in the wall made by Wheatley moving the panels. It brought back...ICE CREAM! My face lit up and I smiled taking the tub of ice cream and the spoon that came with it. 

YANDERE! Wheatley X reader[ON HIATUS]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora