Chapter 2

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Lou actually picked me out a decent outfit it was quite cute actually. I wore tights with a coral blue short skirt with a loose gray top tucked in along with some black combat boots.

We start to drive keep in mind I have no idea where we are going. Louis then hands me some Minnie Mouse ears I was speechless.

My sweetheart was taking me to Disney land! I have never been there so I was beyond excited especially to be spending this day with my love.

We parked kind of far so we had quite a ways to walk.

"Ugh my feet hurt, carry me honey bun!" Louis said sarcastically acting like he's a girl. Which isn't hard for him since he's voice has a feminine sound to it. I think that's what makes his voice so unique and angel-like.

"Hope on pretty lady, while you're at it feel my biceps!" I said with a deep voice. He laughs & tickles me. "I'm not sure why you're tickling me babe! you've made me smile so much today already! Being with you, being HERE with you. & now you're tickling me!"

"I love to see you smile, love"

I grabbed his rough hand and kiss it..

"well where should we start love?" he said. I was still in shock I couldn't believe it!

We first went on magic mountain everyone talks about that ride so why not start there!

So we're standing in line & some rude piece of craic bumps into me! She didn't even bother to look back, she just kept right along on walking. I was mad! As soon as I opened my mouth, Lou spins me around & gives me a quick peck "babe calm down, c'mon now love lets have fun!" My oh my does Louis know me well..

We finally get on the ride I'm so excited I feel like a kid in a candy store.

Louis looks like he's feeling the same but then again when is he not jumping around like a kid? haha.


"Omg I refuse to buy these I had no idea it took a picture!"

Louis couldn't stop laughing! I wanted him to stop but seeing the way he crinkles his nose when he laughs, just made me want him to laugh more. Of course Louis didn't listen to me & bought the pictures anyways, he wants to "remember my first time here" oh bs he just wants to laugh at me!

We started walking one by one going on rides. We stopped a LOT because fans noticed Lou & wanted pictures & what not. It did take up a lot of me & Lou's time. But I mean Lou's some of there heros I can see him whenever this is a once in a lifetime chance for probably all of them.

We bought the most cotton candy! But we only hate half, Lou used the other half making beards on himself making him look like Santa Claus!

How am I in love with this idiot?

We went on so many rides, it was ridiculous. I think we might have went on every one of them!

There was one really high ride that made me start to feel sick. Not so much the vomiting sick but the "omg we're going to die" sick.

But I felt better because Lou grabbed my hand and didn't let go until we were on the ground.


It was about 8:15 & it was


There was less people so the place was pretty calm & quieter. There was an announcement that the last firework show would be tonight at 8:30! I wanted to freak I love fireworks! Lou looked at me and smiled.

"did you plan this?"

"let's just say what a coincidence" and he winked at me.

The fireworks were phenomenal! I'd never seen fireworks so big and amazing.

Today was a great day, and it wasn't over yet. We went to eat afterwards. We were both tired so we just went to panda express.

"so how was your day love?"

"phenomenal, can you get anymore amazing Louis?"

"well the nights still young" he winked at me.

"well what else do you have planned?"

"Guess you'll just have to find out love" he booped my nose and ordered our food. I was drained so we ate fast & headed home..

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