Chapter 6

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HEY GUYS! IM SUPER SORRY THIS CHAPTER TOOK SO LONG! Ny schedule is so crazy! So I had to do this chapter at 3 in the morning! haha but I really hope you guys enjoy it. leave me feedback pls! comment/vote pls! :)

The room starts lighting up, I turn around to find a decently tall man, maybe 5'9 standing right in the middle of the door.

The light from the other side is so bright that his whole body, head to toe is black.

I can't spot on thing. Just black.

He kind of looked familiar ?? What the hell ?

He's just standing there staring at me.

I'm not going to act scared.

So I stand up tall and clench my cold fists.

I can see his head moving from my head to my fists.

He looks back at my face, and laughs. A little chuckle laugh.

I remain standing tall with my fists clenched. I don't plan on unclenching them.

"Stop screaming for that pretty boy football player would ya ? he's not here" he finally says.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"Why ? So you can tell your little boyfriend?"

I just stared at him, waiting for an answer..

"Well guess what princess. This isn't like the movies where your supermans going to just come save you. This I real. And I plan on doing real thing to you, to get what I want. now sit back down and shut up until I'm ready for you." he demanded me.

He closes the door and left.

I have so many questions I'm scared to know the answers to !

What did he plan on doing to me?

What did he want so badly from me and Louis?

My thoughts roamed everywhere.

Was he the rape kind of kidnapper?

Or a blood thirsty one?

Either one was horrible.

God I miss Louis.

It's so cold in here I jut want to be home on our couch drinking some tea.

I wonder what Louis is doing right now.

Louis POV

*rings to the boys*

Gosh, I hope the boys can't tell in my voice that somethings wrong..

"Hello mates I just wanted to call & see how my brothers are doing. Marie's out of town visiting her family for a while so I'm just here. No need to rush on a call back. I'll see you when I see you. love you lads"

I don't even think I made sense, I can't think straight right now, but I got the messge by.

I really can not stand still right now.

Where is Marie?

Who has taken her?

Why did they take her?

When will I see her again?

.... will I see her again?...

I cut myself off, quick.


I can't believe that even went through my mind..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2014 ⏰

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