Moving Day

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Justin's P.O.V.~
          I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. Ugh I hate school. I get out of bed and put on some clothes. I wear a plain purple shirt, with black skinny jeans. Then, I go and brush my teeth.

~Time Skip~

          When I get home, my dad tells me to sit at the table because he has to talk to me about something important. He usually never makes me sit at the table. This must be REALLY important news.

            I sit at the table and wait for him to tell me about the news. I start getting nervous because he hasn't said anything about it. Finally, he speaks up and says "Justin I know that this might be hard for you but, we are moving to Maryland."
             I jump up and scream "NO!!!!! You can't make me go with you! I will just stay with mom!" He told me that "Danny already has planned to stay with mom." "What about Damon?!? He is my only friend that I have! What am I supposed to do with out him?!?!?" I said. He said "Justin like I said I know it is hard for you to move but, I think it's the best for us."

~Time  Skip~

         I cried myself to sleep that night. I couldn't help it because I was moving out of the town I have lived my whole life.

To Be Continued...

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