The aftermath

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Raegan's P.O.V.
Last night...we had some fun. We may or may not have done some stuff. It was fun, at least for me. I'm not sure if he did because the whole time he just had a miserable face on. I was sad to see that and asked him if he wanted to stop. He said "No, I love it!" But to me it didn't sound like he wanted it. I would've stopped right then and there but all of a sudden he came. And I didn't want him to think he tasted bad. That would've just put more pressure on him and that would've made it worse.

Justin's P.O.V.
I liked what happened last night but it reminded me a lot of when I was younger. I used to have foster parents because my parents just weren't in a good place at the time. But my foster parents used to abuse me. They used to pull my hair back, and tell me I didn't deserve to live, but I shook it off because I knew I was worth it. I did really enjoy what we did last night. It made me feel special. Like I was the only person that mattered (at least to Raegan but that's all that matters). No matter what I know I'll always...

~To Be Continued...

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