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Justin's P.O.V.
I'll always know, that no matter what happens I can count on Rae. He once told me he'll always be there for me and I will always hold him to that. I trust him a lot. More than I have ever trusted anyone in my life. He's just so sweet, and gentle and amazing. Words can't even explain how much I love him.

Raegan's P.O.V.
I feel so much closer to Justin than anyone I've ever met. I also planned another date tomorrow. The only thing that's different is... I asked Jack and Kale to come along. I hope Justin will be happy. With him getting his T-shot, he's gotten so horny lately and it is kinda weird but, I love him. We are going to...
Hey! So this is my first ever authors note. I was wondering if y'all wanted me to keep this going or just end it because they broke up. Comment if you think I should keep it going or not! Alright bye!
P.s. thank you guys for all the support! You mean the world to me!❤️

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