First date

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Raegan's P.O.V.
             Today is mine and Justin's first date. I am soooooooo excited and nervous. What if he thinks I am too cheesy? I hope he doesn't. So my plan is for us to.....

Justin's P.O.V.
              I walked up to Raegan and put my hands over his eyes. "Guess who it is?" I said. "Who?" He asked completely confused. "Justin" I said as I pulled my hands away from his face and onto his waist. He turned around and looked so cute.
             I can't wait to see what he has planned for our first date. I really like cheesy for some reason. I would really like it if he took me on a picnic at the top of a hill and we watched the stars the rest of the night. Maybe kiss or make out a bit.

~Time Skip~

Raegan's P.O.V.
             It's 4:20 and I am suppose to be picking him up at 6:00. I planed something that I hope he will like a lot because I have put a lot of effort into it.

Justin's P.O.V.
             I am getting ready for hopefully the best date of my life, with my lover. I hear a honk signaling Raegan was here. I run down stairs. He is so hot in that tux. "Hey Babe, ready to go?" He asks. "As ready as I will ever be." I said.

To Be Continued...

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