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Alex's POV

We went to my dad's office and looked at the fireplace.  "Ummm..." Tyler said, after a few minutes, "How do we get into this secret training room again?"  "We have to stand on the right side and bump the top." Sandra answered. " Got it." He said, walking over to the fireplace. He walked over to the right side, bumped the top...and nothing happened. He tried again...and nothing happened. He tried for several minutes, but to no avail. He got mad and kicked the fireplace, earning himself a stubbed toe. Brielle made a smart comment as he came back, which I couldn't hear, but it really ticked him off. He started to yell at her, she yelled back, and so on and so forth. We tried to get them to stop but Brielle suddenly decided to get physical. She and Tyler started to really fight as we tried to pul them apart. 'What are we coming to?' I thought,'We used to be like family, now we're fighting like enemies!' Ty hit Bri hard enough that those of us behind her fell back, causing me falling into the side of the fire place. Suddenly, the room started to was spinning around on the floor, taking the fireplace with me. The fireplace stopped. leaving me in a room that pitch black. I stood up and started pounding on the wall, screaming, hoping someone might hear me. After a few minutes, though, I realized it was pointless and sat down, crying. I thought I heard something over in a corner. "Who...Whose there?" I asked, my voice wavering. No answer. I stayed where I was in the darkness, not trusting this place. I curled up in a ball, arm's around my leg's, head buried in my knee's and cried. Suddenly, I heard footstep's coming toward me from the darkness. I jumped up and looked around. There was nothing ther....wait....there was something to my left. I took two step's toward it. "H-Hello?" I asked it. The figure stood up. All I could make out was the outline of a man, taller than me, with bright golden eyes. "P-P-Pitch?!" I shouted. "Hello there my dear." Pitch responded. He came toward me and I screamed. Suddenly, I flew into a wall on the other side of the room. I gasped from the pain, coughing up blood. He strode toward me and picked me up by my throat. My air was cut off and I couldn't breathe. "There, there..." Pitch crooned, as though talking to a beloved pet. "Go to sleep." I struggled to get out of his grasp, dot's dancing in my vision. He punched me in the gut, and I stopped squirming, from the added pain. "Now enough struggling, after all no one can help you. You're all alone." He crooned once more. With the hand that wasn't around my neck, he slid two finger's along a piece of my hair, turning it black. Black and white dot's clouded my vision. Just as I lost consiouness, I saw a bright whitish-blue light from the other side of the room. I fell on the ground, and allowed the darkness to pull me in.

Jack's POV

When we got to North's office, Tyler tried and failed to open this secret door. Brielle made a comment and they started fighting. We were all trying to pul them apart and it took me several minute's to realize that Alex was missing. I backed up a little and slammed my staff into the ground. Everyone stopped and looked at me, Brielle's gaze murderous. "Why did you do that?" Brielle hissed. "Where's Alex?" I asked them. They all looked around, confused at first then panicked. "Alex?" Misty said. "Alex?!" "Lexi?"Tyler yelled. Everyone, even Bandit, started yelling/roaringfor her. I tried to get everyone's attention but failed. I looked at Bandit for help, but he seemed to shrug his shoulder's saying, "Don't look at me, I don't know what to do." Misty sighed and came over. She whispered in his ear, he seemed to nod and knelt to the groundfor her to get up. She climbed on his back and motioned to me to cover my ear's. What was this girl up to? She took a deep breath.............and let loose an ear-splitting, blood-curdling scream that put Pitch to shame. The other's stopped yelling for Alex and clamped their hand's on their ear's and screwed their eye's shut. Misty screamed for a little while longer just to be sure and then stopped. She said "Are you all quite done?" They all looked at her and she said, "Okay, now that that's out of the way, we need to find Alex and someway into this secret training room my dad talked about. Fight or yell again and I will make you regret it." She looked terrifying as she said that last bit. Everyone nodded and she got down off of Bandit. She looked up at me, as if she was waiting for me to come up with a plan right then and there. Then I realized she was as was evreyone else. "Oh." I said."Um, right....." Then I realized something from earlier. Tyler was hitting the top before...what if North meant we bump it up? I walked over to test my theory. I stood on the right of the fireplace and bumped the top up. A mechanism whirred and the fireplace started spinning around. The other's came over and it stopped halfway. I looked in the room and saw Pitch holding Alex up by her neck. It didn't look like she was moving. "Alex!" I yelled. Pitch turned to face me. He smirked at me. I shot an ice beam at him, and he disappeared, dropping Alex onto the ground. She didn't move. "Alex!!" Misty screamed. We ran over to her, Misty and I getting there first. I checked her pulse, and it was slow and steady, as was her breathing. I breathed a sigh of relief and told the other's that she was fine. They also breathed a sigh of relief and we looked around to see where we were but it was too dark to see much of anything. I lit up my staff, casting blue light around the room. I noticed a light switch and Brielle went over and flipped it on. The light's came on and we looked around the room. There were target's and dummies and weapon's every where along the side's. Brielle walked back over as Alex groaned. Her eye's fluttered open. "J-Jack?" she croaked. "M-Misty?" "Shhh..." I said "it's okay your safe." I helped her sit up and noticed her hair. There was a black streak in it now. "Alex, what happened to your hair?" I asked. She looked at it and said "Blackey." I looked at her confused and she explained that she calls Pitch Blackey most of the time to piss him off. She looked around the room and said, "Sooo...what now?" I responded with, "Like you said...We train."

Hey guy's! So I'm home sick today and decided to update earlier. I might update again either today or tomorrow but still...So I haven't gotten any comment's on who would be cuter- Sandra+Tyler or Brielle+Tyler. Comment which couple you think would be cuter and I'll see you guy's later. Until then, fly on my lovelies!

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