Ch.25-Ombric and Katherine

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Once we were sucked through the portal, only then did I allow my self to calm down and take a deep breath.

Alex, are you okay?

Yeah, just out of breath. I'll be fine.

I responded as I saw Santoff Claussen come into view. I pulled down and slowed down a bit. I glided through the test's easy, they have alway's worked for my family and I. I waved as I saw Bear, the third and final test. He roared a welcome and I flew up to show off a bit. I jingled the bell's a bunch then glided down to Big Root, where Ombric and Katherine live. A giant group of people, mostly children, came running over. I smiled and waved, climbing out of the sleigh. I was soon attacked by small children, wanting the first hug. "All right, all right, group hug!" I yelled. The children all giggled and hugged me tighter. I heard a door open behind me and turned to see the old man from Mama Odie's vision as well as a young woman with orange hair in mostly yellow. I smiled bigger and walked over to them.

"Alexianna? Is that really you?" The old man, Ombric, asked. I nodded and we embraced. We pulled apart and I gave Katherine a hug as well. "Boy, I have'nt seen you in forever!" Katherine exclaimed. I agreed with her and gave her a puzzled look. "Where's Nightlight?" I asked her. She told me he was off on a mission and I nodded. I turned back to Ombric. "Can we talk....alone?" I asked him, not wanting to worry anyone with my new's. He gave me a puzzled look and agreed. Katherine agreed to stay outside for a few minute's while we spoke, and we stepped inside.

I hadn't been in Big Root for a long time and it never ceases to amaze me with it's size and structure. I took it all in for a moment until Ombric cleared his throat. "I take it you didn't just come here to drool over Big Root again, did you?" He asked me, chuckling slightly. I giggled and agreed with him. "Actually, I kind of need your help with something. You see......."

I had just finished my story and Ombric had a very surprised look on his face. "Well, you certainly have been through a lot have'nt you? Let me see this friend of your's, the one that was turned into a doll." He said. I took Jack out of my bag and handed him to Ombric. Ombric had the same reaction to Mama Odie's, but didn't drop him. "This is very strong magic indeed." He pondered for a second then nodded. "Give me three hour's. I'll see what I can do. In the mean time," He said, walking over to me, "Get some rest, dear. Your Father's old room is still here and you can use that if you would like." I nodded stifling a yawn. He noticed and chuckled. "I'll ask Katherine to prepare you some food as well." He told me, before walking toward his study, Jack in hand. I stood there for a minute, thinking. If Ombric couldn't help Jack..........who could? I wondered off to my dad's old room from when he stayed here and was asleep before I even hit the pillow.

I felt someone shake me awake. "Alex? Alex, I brought the food." I heard Katherine say. I shook off the sleepiness and sat up, rubbing my eye's. Katherine chuckled. "When was the last time you slept in a proper bed?" I thought for a second. "A week. Maybe two...." I said, exhaustion finally wearing off. She giggled then her face grew solemn. "Ombric told me about your dad..." My face fell and I bit my lip, looking down. We were silent for a second until Katherine held out her arm's and I let the tear's that I've been holding in for so long fell. And I didn't try to stop them. Katherine just sat there and stroked my hair and rubbed my back. She is the closest thing I've had to an older sister that I've known for a long time........

A little while later, my tear's stopped and we pulled apart. I gave her a smile and she pointed to the food on my dad's old desk. I thanked her and she started to leave. "Oh, by the way, when you're done Ombric need's to see you." She told me, before leaving. I nodded and turned to the food. I ate most of it then made my way downstair's. I knocked on the door to Ombric's study. "Enter." came a weary voice from within and I opened the door and stepped in.

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