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Alex's POV

We flew to a clearing in the wood's, all of us too tired to fly on. We fell asleep on the ground, circled around a fire. From all the fun Jack and I have had, I'd almost forgotten about my nightmare's......


That night I had yet another nightmare. I was walking in a maze, trying to find someone, not the way out. I kept walking and the panic increased with each passing minute. Every time I hit a dead end, I groaned in frustration and went another way.  I eventually got to the center, and guess who I saw...yup...Pitch. I glared and he smiled. I felt something behind me and turned. Their were nightmare's blocking the exit. I turned back to Pitch...and saw that he had Jack, Hic, Punzie, and Mer tied up on the ground. Pitch flicked his wrist and Punzie, Hic, and Mer disappeared leaving Jack on the ground. I went to move toward Jack and felt black sand holding my feet in place. Pitch picked Jack up, terror in his eye's. Pitch looked at me. "Well?" He asked me, "Aren't you going to save him? Oh, that's can't. So I can do this..." Pitch said, putting his hand on Jack's chest, transferring darkness into him. Jack screamed in pain. I wanted to go and help him, to make Pitch stop, but I couldn't move. Pitch finally let go and dropped Jack to the ground. The nightmare's let me go, making me lose my balance and fall. I got up and went to run to him. Before I could reach him, however, he sat up and looked at me. I gasped in horror. His hair was all black, as were his clothes. His eye's had become a bright gold and his skin took on a sickly looking grey. "J-Jack?" I asked. He made no move. "Jack it's me Alex, remember?" I asked. He shuffled forward. My hope's lifted. They were soon crushed. He flew up, shooting ice at me. I dodged and rolled out of the way, not knowing how to fight back. I had no weapon, no friends, and I didn't know how to use my power's at the time. The ground started was shaking, hearing someone call my name in my head. "Alex! Alex wake up! It's just a dream! Wake up!"  the voice was saying. It sounded like Punzie, but she wasn't there...or was she? I looked up at Jack...just in time to see him shoot me with an ice blast I hadn't noticed.

I bolted awake, my eye's flying open. I crashed into Punzie's forehead, both of us faling back in pain. I could hear Hiccup and Jack doing the same thing. I looked over at him, relieved to see he was fine and still the Winter Spirit I know friends with.....Anyway, I noticed him look at me too, and relief flooded his face, as if he was worried about me too. I smiled and sat up, with Punzie's help. I walked over to Jack after he got up and (to my surprise) he hugged me like he was overjoyed to see me alive. I hugged him back, my face blushing. Did he like me the way I liked him? Nah...but...maybe...

The sun was creeping up the sky when we decided to head out. We climbed into the sleigh once more and flew. Once we were high up enough, I pulled out a snow globe. I whispered our destination into it and threw it. It exploded in mid-air and we were sucked in. When we came out, we were flying over a forest, much like the one we had just left. At first I didn't think the portal had worked, until I noticed the castle in the distance. We landed in a clearing where the reindeer would be safe and headed toward the direction of the castle.

We had been walking for about 30 minute's, when we heard a branch break. We spun around, not sure where the branch had broken. Suddenly, Jack cried out in pain and collapsed, an arrow barried in his shoulder. "MERIDA!!!!!" I shouted, as I recognized whose arrow it was. The bushes rustled and out stepped a girl with firey red hair and bright blue eye's in a dark bluey-grey dress with a bow in her hand, quiver at her waist. "Alex? Hic? Punzie? What are you guy's doing here?" Merida asked. "More importantly, why did you shoot Jack?!" I asked, my voice rising. I kneeled next to Jack, who was groaning in pain as he tried to move his shoulder. I shushed him and told him to stop moving. Merida ran into the bushes, returning a few moment's later with her horse, Angus. With the four of us, we got Jack to lay on the saddle, so we could get him to the castle, and help, faster. "Alex, you still didn't answer my question's lass. Who is this?" She said, gesturing to Jack. "And why are you all here without a warning?" She asked, glaring at Hiccup. Hiccup and I walked on one side of Angus, Merida and Punzie on the other. I held Jack's hand and ran my thumb over his knuckle's, not know ing what else to do.

By the time we reached the castle gate's, Jack had passed out from the pain, his hoodie turning red from the blood. We were rushed up to Merida's mom's room. She let me and Merida stay to help and Punzie and Hic got supplies. Merida ended up really helping, I was keeping Jack calm as Queen Elinor pulled the arrow out, cleaned out the wound, stitched it up, and sent his hoodie to be washed, leaving his shirtless for the time being. Queen Elinor let Jack stay on her bed while he was unconscious. I stayed behind while the other's got lunch and explained to the best of their abilities why we were there and why we needed Merida. I stayed there for several hour's with Jack until King Fergus came up and helped me move him to the guest room he would be using for the night, which was right next to mine. Fergus put Jack on the bed and left. Maudy came up just after Fergus left with Jack's hoodie all washed, the frost had stayed however much to her dismay. I thanked her, folded it, and put it on the table next to Jack's bed. He really lost alot of blood. He was paler than usual (which is saying something) and he was breathing weird. I went to go to my room, when I heard him groan. I spun on my heel to face him. He tried to move his bad arm and almost whimpered in pain. I flew to his side. "Jack? Jack are you awake?" I asked him. He snickered. "No, I'm dead. D-E-D, dead. What do you think Alex?" He asked me. I chuckled. "I think your alive and a bad speller. Dead is spelled D-E-A-D not D-E-D, smart one." I told him. He laughed. His eye's scrunched up and he opened them. "Seriously though, what happened? I remember walking in the forest with you and Hiccup and Rapunzel, then a sharp pain in my shoulder, you yelling at someone, me being moved, then nothing." He told me. I explained to him what had happened. "You sure have some weird friend's, Alex." He joked. "heh have no idea....." I said under my breath. "What?" He asked me. I told him it was nothing, earning a weird look from him. We sat in silence for a few second's until Jack yawned. I copied him and bid him good night. I stood up and felt a cold hand on my wrist. "Alex wait." He told me. I turned toward him. He looked at me. "This morning, we both had nightmare's, right." he saked me. So that's what happened..."Yeah, i guess, why?" I asked him. "What was your's about?" He asked. "What was your's about?" I asked, not wanting to tell him. "I asked first." I should have expected that. "Fine..." I said. I told him what had happened in my dream. Once I had finished, his face was covered in confusion. "That-that was almost exactly like mine, except you got infected and I didn't have my staff. Apart from that, they're identical." He said. This was even more confusing. Why would we have almost the exact same nightmare? What was Pitch playing at? "It's probably nothing. Godnight!" I told him, wanting this awkward moment to end. "Alex..." Jack said. I turned around. His face was full of concern. "You gonna be okay tonight?" He asked. I nodded and told him I was right next door to the right. He nodded and I left. I went into my room and soon was fast asleep.

The next morning, we set to packing to get to the sleigh. We headed out soon and walked to the sleigh, Jack riding under both mine and Merida's insistence. Punzie pulled me back soon after setting out. "What's up" I asked. "Do you like Jack?" She asked, looking ready to fangirl squeel loud enough to wake up the dead...In California. "Of course, I haven't killed him yet, have I?" I asked. She looked at me. "You know that's not what I meant, Alex." She told me. I sighed and told her I did. She smiled and, surprisingly, didn't squeel. We made it to the sleigh without any casualities. As the other's went to put their stuf n the sleigh, I stopped. "Hiccup, Merida, Punzie, you guy's should probably go to the Pole and I'll get the other's. Deal?" I asked. They agreed and got their stuff back. I walked over to Jack. "And Jack, I think you should go with them." I told him. He jumped up. "What? No way! Why should I?" He asked. I looked at his shoulder. His face calmed and told me he was going to stay and go with me. I saw Punzie make a heart with her hand's as he said this. I made a mental note to slap her later. I pulled out a globe, whispered their destination into it, and threw it. I exploded as it hit the ground and Merida, Hiccup, and Rapunzel walked in. The portal closed soon after and Jack and I walked back to the sleigh. I pulled my list out and crossed off Merida's name. "Next up......"

Hey guy's! I meant to update the other day and couldn't...stupid older sister....But here it is! Hope you enjoyed. Comment whether you liked the cutesy moment's between Jack+Alex and if you want more. See you guy's soon! Until then, Fly on my lovelies!

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