Ch.16-Leeminho, Jason, and Xavier

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  • Dedicado a Zebo Abdurmova, Jeremy Kogan, and Xavier Simpson

Hey, so for the next few chapters, the races are going to be together so it save's chapter's...Enjoy!

Alex's POV

Jack and I decided to fly the sleigh to the next place to save snow globe's. I couldn't stop thinking about what he said back at Mer's. Did he like me the way I liked him? Instead of standing, I sat in the driver's seat, Jack was sitting on the steps behind me so I couldn't see him. The ride was really quiet and, actually, pretty awkward. "So, Eira, huh?" Jack asked, breaking the silence. I froze. "What?" I asked, with no clue what he meant. "Back at the Pole, your dad's hologram said your middle name was Eira." "Oh yeah, and?" I asked. "Eira mean's Snow, right?" He asked. I could almost hear the smirk in his voice. "Yeah, well I did grow up at the North Pole where there's snow everywhere." I said, my smart ass part coming out. "Oh yeah..." Jack said. Silence once again reigned upon the sleigh. "Did you mean it?"  I asked. "What?" He asked. "What you said back at Merida's, that you'd stay with me until the end and you wouldn't leave me. Did you mean it?" I asked, not able o not know any longer. I heard him stand up and walk over to me. "Alex look at me." He said. I looked up from the sky at his face. "I meant it with every fiber in my being. I 'm not leaving unless you tell me to, got it?" He asked. I have never seen him so serious before. I nodded he smiled. He walked back to the back of the sleigh and sat down. I turned back to the sky, looking out for where to land. We had to be close by now, right? Right. I looked down and saw a familiar looking cottage in the middle of the woods we were in. I told Jack to hold on and I started our descent.

We landed in the clearing outside of the house and hopped out. The curtains drew back and a face peered out. It smiled and disappeared, only to reappear a minute later out the door with another person. The first person, who was at the window, was an African American boy, a little older than me, wearing a white tank top, army pants, combat boots and dog tags. The other guy was also older, wearing a black tee shirt, black jeans, sneakers, and a leather jacket. His bieber-styled hair was in his eys's, as usual, his face lit up with a smile. I smiled back and ran up to greet them. "Xavier! Leeminho!" I yelled. "Alex!" They said back, as we collided. We all hugged and started talking really fast about how long it's been since we'd last seen each other. A cold blast shot across the field and I turned saying, "Jack, you've really got to stop that." He shrugged and walked up. I introduced them all and realized we were one short. "Hey guy's, where's Jason?" I asked. Jason was their other room mate. "He went hunting a few hour's ago, he should be back anytime now." Xavier replied. I nodded my head and we heard a bush move. Jack jumped around into attack mode. I put my hand on his arm and pulled him back. A figure came out of the bush, wearing a red checkered long sleeve shirt with the sleeves pushed up, blue jeans, high top's and a black tee shirt. He had a bag in his hand, no doubt filled with fish. He looked at me and freezed. "Lexi?" He asked. "Jason." I said. The awkwardness in the air grew with every passing second. Leeminho cleared his throat and invited us inside. Jack put his hand on my shoulder and asked if I was okay. I nodded my reply and followed Xavier and Leeminho inside. I heard Jason and Jack come in and close the door. 

We sat in the living room, talking about what's been going on. The guys have been the same as usual. Jack and I waited until last. When everyone else was done, I looked at Leeminho. "Do you know why we're here?" "No, actually, which is weird." He replied. Jack looked confused, so I explained Leeminho's powers. Jack looked at Xavier. "So, what can you do?" He asked. "I can fly, I can super speed, I'm really strong, I have X-Ray vision, I can summon a twelve foot fir breathing dragon during a full moon, and when I get mad I get stronger and my hair turns red." Xavier replied. Jack's eye's were wide and his jaw was threatening to drop. We all tried to stifle a giggle. Jack got over himself and looked at Jason. "So, what can you do?" He asked. "What's it to you?" He asked, getting up and leaving. Xavier went to get up and follow him, but I put my hand up. "I'll go, it's okay. Jack, can you explain why we came for me?" I asked. He nodded and asked why I wanted to go. "I think it's because of me he left. I'll be back soon." I said, leaving out the back door.

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