My dream

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Writers note: Hi all please remember this is a work in progress, if you have any suggestions please comment

"BOGIES LEFT FLANK" my systems are screaming "lock, lock, lock" I deploy my flares and bank my aircraft in a desperate attempt to evade the captured F-111 fighters engaging me on my tail, it's tough but I break free from the lock, I know what I have to do. I slam the air brake and pull my nose up, my aircraft slows and the enemy aircraft fly's past below unable to engage me further, I pull my nose back down and engage the aircraft. "Lock on" "ordinates free" I yell into my flight mask and bank away hoping that the two missiles will be enough to take the aircraft down. I hear a massive explosion that rocks me in my seat a hunk of metal hits my aircraft.... my engines fail. My systems are screaming "ENGINE FAILURE" this is a pilots worst nightmare my aircraft starts to burn up, the ground looming closer I'm stuck to my seat frozen my brain doesn't know how to react the aircraft hits the ground. Mission Failure flashes on the screen, I remove my flight mask as my training officer walks in "great job recruit, you handled the dogfight well we will work on recovery soon" "Thank you sir" I reply. Hey mate me names Joe if you didn't catch it already, I'm training to become a RAAF pilot pretty neat if you ask me. When I was a little tacker me dad worked for Boeing spray painting all the aircraft at the RAAF base I'm currently training at, He used to bring me to work all the time I would watch all the jets take off and everyone scurry round up to their normal jobs, I watched a company of infantry embark on a c-17 globemaster you know the big troop carriers, I asked dad were they were going he replied to war. An F-18 super hornet pilot walked in to check his aircraft he greeted me with a smile, shook my hand and said "gday mate how are ya, ever seen a jet plane before? Hop in take a squiz." I was jumping with joy I couldn't believe it he showed me the cockpit, so many gauges, levers and buttons he showed me the main controls and explained what they do. I got to wear his helmet he even let me wear his g suit and the rest of his gear, I was the luckiest kid alive. It was that moment that cemented my dreams I sat there in the jet dreaming, I was high in the clouds flying at supersonic speeds, "Joe, Joe, Joe, Time to hop out mate I was brought suddenly back to reality my dad urging me to get out, the pilot retrieves his gear and get in with the rest of the 6th wing squadron following. I retreat with dad to the observation deck of the hangar the roar the jet engines was unbearable dad hands me a pair of ear muffs I put them on and the world goes quiet. The squadron taxis to the runway and dad and I follow to watch them. The bright blue flames emerge from the back of the aircraft and they lurch forward gathering momentum to take off. All 10 aircraft bank off and the squadron pulls round to circle around me waving as they go by. I will never forget that day. So that's my story now I've embarked on a 4 month trial training then if I complete this successfully I'll embark on a year of absolute hell 6 months in basic training then the remaining 6 months in airforce training getting me ready for life in the airforce I will have to work hard but it will all be worth it once I accomplish my dream.

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