Chapter 3

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"If you heard the television broadcast properly, then you must've noticed that it was different from the previous purge announcements. They stressed on the word 'inception'  right?" Chen asked with raised eyebrows expecting a reaction from me.

"Yeah, so?" I asked completely clueless.

"You know what it means..." Chen said still expecting me to get it but I blinked at him with a blank face.

"Inception is a movie's name, right?" I asked gathering up knowledge from the corners of my brain while Chen just sighed in disappointment.

"Inception means 'the beginning of something'. The government is tired of this continuous killing and they think it's unfair in many ways so this is probably going to be the last purge." Chen said and I found myself delighted at that.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yes, but I don't think many people are happy about it so maybe they'll use this opportunity to commit the maximum number of crimes they can. It may even reach to an extent where it would be almost impossible to control them." Chen explained and I mentally laughed at my fate. Of all the purges, this is the one night where I had to be stuck outside. Just, great.

"I thought we could hide in this building for today night and come out once it's over!" I said and he shook his head.

"You never know who may come here and what if it doesn't get over by tomorrow? What if the owner themself is purging? They'll clearly see us through the CCTV Cameras. So..." Chen said hoping that I would finish his sentence and so I did.

"We should hurry up and reach EXO's Dorm." I said and he nodded. "Wait, what about the other EXO Members? Are they also wandering outside?" I asked hoping that he would say no. That would be the last thing I would want from this night!

"No, they're all at the dorm. I'm the only one who got stuck out here." Chen said with a glint of guilt and fear in his eyes.

"Won't they look for you? Or maybe call you?" I asked while he shook his head.

"No matter how much they want to, they won't be allowed to leave the dorm for safety reasons. I dropped my cellphone in the chaos so they can't contact me either." Chen said and placed his head on his lap. He must've been tired from running and fighting so much.

"How did you get trapped outside?" I asked.

"People started purging even before the siren went off. It was still 5:00 pm and I was going back home when someone shot the tyres of my car." Chen said and I found his situation similar to mine. It wasn't any of our fault, just plain bad luck.

"Why were you hiding in that parking lot then? You should've left for the dorm already." I asked.

"That psychopath was roaming around with an axe so the parking lot was the safest place I could find. I thought I would wait until he's gone but then you arrived and I must say, you were very brave back there." Chen said and I couldn't help but feel smug about it.

"It was nothing." I said waving my hand and brushing it off.

"I think it was a lot. Your hands were shaking after you stabbed him." Chen said and I looked at him in disbelief. Who wouldn't shiver after stabbing an alive human?!

"But don't you think I was really smart back there? I tricked him so well!" I said with a proud smile while Chen only gave me a blank look.

"I don't think so." Chen shook his head. "That was the only thing you missed... being smart. That person didn't even know that you were hiding in the parking lot. He was just making random guesses but you came forward and made it obvious. You could've just remained hiding and he probably wouldn't even know." Chen explained and I mentally face-palmed at how I risked my life, even though I had a better option.

"Can't you just be thankful that I saved us?" I asked.

"Of course I am. You're probably the bravest girl I've met. Good job!" Chen said as he ruffled my hair with a playful smile that I've always stared at, from my computer screen but in real life it would seem creepy so I immediately averted my gaze.

Chen stood up once again to peek outside the windows and he sat back down with furrowed eyebrows. He had a tense look.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Some people are entering this building." Chen said still unsure.

"Did they see you?!" I asked in horror.

"No, I'm pretty sure they didn't." Chen replied. "Let's just stay quiet and not make it obvious that we're here." He added while I simply nodded.

There was dead silence between us for the next couple of minutes that almost seemed like eternity. I covered my face in my lap and closed my eyes for a while, trying to grab a minute of rest from all the chaos.

"Are you sure they're here?" We heard a faint echo from the end of the corridor followed by footsteps. Why am I not surprised?

"I saw them entering this building." Another person said and I immediately shot up from my nap and looked at Chen who seemed to be in a panic state, just like me.

"Let's hide." Chen whispered and stood up, before pulling me up after him. We tiptoed to the large cupboards with files stacked up inside. We quickly shifted them into the cabinets around and locked ourselves inside.

Again, there was dead silence. No one spoke, including the two people outside.

"What if they're good people?" I whispered but got shut up by Chen who immediately clasped his hand on my mouth.

"Are you sure it was Kim JongDae from EXO?" The now familiar voice asked from outside. See, we should've locked the door!

"Yes, he went outside the ammunition and I saw him heading towards this building. In fact, he had lot of weapons and weirdly, he even had a girl with him." The other person replied and I realised the fact that it wasn't bad luck for Chen, some people had him as their purge target. They must've shot the tyres of his car on purpose.

"Just wait till I get my hands on you!" The first person mumbled before we heard footsteps heading outside.

"I think they're gone." Chen whispered and slowly opened the cupboard with a little light sparkling his face that had sweat wiped over it. I just glared at him and he just gave me a sheepish grin before removing his hand from my mouth.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

I suddenly got conscious of our position. We were standing too close to each other with our faces, inches away. I could smell a blend of flavoured apple and vanilla which made it almost impossible for me to step back. Call me creepy, but I really think he smells like Apple Cheesecake!

I could see his face flushed due to embarrassment. The red tint on his cheeks blended really well with his milky complexion. He stepped outside but hit his head on the top of the door in the process. OMG Chen I didn't know you were such a clumsy yet adorable creature!

"What are you giggling at? We need to get out before we get caught! Come on!" Chen said and ran towards the fire exit without making a noise while I diligently followed him.

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