8. The Tree House

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We never ever wanna stop, so we should move it to the parking lot. Take it somewhere else cause now the party is over, we don't wanna get older...

Before she even knew what she was doing, Dinah was slipping past the receptionists at East Bailey High. Ever since the school had been threatened with new government issued administration, they had really cracked down on students ditching class, and skipping school.

Last semester, Dinah had a dentist appointment booked for during school time. She missed it. They were just shy of asking to see her birth certificate before Dinah had given up. Two phone calls from her parents and even from the dentist's assistant couldn't get her out on time.

At least she knew she was safe at school. As hard as it was to get out, it was harder to get in.

The school was gated, and needed a visitors pass or student ID to get through. In the morning, the gates to the school would be open to keep pedestrian traffic low, as kids tried to get into school, but god forbid someone have a metallic pen on them when they passed through the airport-esque entrances into school. Needless to say, piercings were against school policy.

A person couldn't just walk out of school either. A visitors pass could grant exit from the school, however a temporary leavers pass had to be issued from the school reception to a student in order to get out. This fact would have discouraged some, but this was Dinah Jane Hansen we were talking about.

It helped being popular, pretty, and not an ass hat. A pioneer in her field. Dinah was well liked, as she should be; she was nice to everyone. Everyone who deserved it.

Even then, she wasn't unkind to those who didn't deserve it, she just didn't bother with them.

She had enlisted the help of Josh Davidson, the captain of the chess team. It was known that Josh had a sensitive nose. The kind of sensitive that meant he suffered intense nose-bleeds constantly.

While Josh worked his bloody magic and distracted the two women who worked at the school reception desk, Dinah quickly slipped past, swiping a pass from over the office counter, confident that the staff didn't see.

Dinah Jane Hansen, the girl could pull off a heist.

Five minutes later, she was behind the wheel of her car and on the familiar route to her best friend's side.

Camila's eyes lit with hope as she heard someone entering the summer house, although her disappointment was clearly visible when Dinah came around the corner into the room she was residing in.

"Oh it's you," Camila sighed.

"Wow, don't look too happy to see me, Mila." Dinah said, feigning hurt.

"Sorry, I though you might've been Lauren." Camila admitted.

"Speaking of.. what's going on?"

"Dinah you're my best friend in the entire world right?"

"Is that even an actual question Camila? of course I am."

"This is going to sound crazy. I don't know much, but what I've seen, what I feel, it's.." The Latina trailed off.

"It's what Camila?"

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