A Life Changing Decision

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The seconds dragged on for what seemed like hours as you frantically contemplated what to do.

The wrong decision could end your life but the right one could save Liam's.

Your mind made up, you quickly used your body as a human shield as you shoved Liam into the arms of the waiting girl before hurriedly jumping back as the heat from the pod's thrusters became overwhelming.
As fast as you could, you spun around to see...

a common Storm Trooper.

You couldn't see his face because of the mask, but you were willing to bet that his expression was not a happy one.

"Get. Up." He commanded, for you had been knocked on your back due to how violently you'd flung yourself backward. Even through his helmet modulator, you could make out the cold and disdainful tone of his voice.
You didn't move.

"Get. Up!" He barked, now leveling his blaster at you.

You still made no move to comply.

"Up, now! Or I swear I'll-"

"You'll....what, ZX0098?"

Both of you jumped slightly, seeing as you'd heard no one approach. The soft, but steady cadence of sand crunching under boots filled your ears as whoever had spoken came closer.

"I asked you a question, Lieutenant!" The mystery man spat as he got in ZX0098's face.

"I-I was-"

"You were what?" The man interrupted.

ZX0098 made a low growling noise before squaring up.

"My. Job.....Sir." The Trooper replied, spitting out that last word like a bad taste in his mouth.

Both men appeared to be having some sort of staring contest which provided you with an apparent opportunity to escape.

Slowly you began to stand.

The man glared back with the intensity of a thousand suns.

"Your job? Tell me, ZX0098; is it your 'job' to shoot property?"

Your skin crawled at that word, but you continued to steadily back away from the scene.

"Oh, please. I wasn't going to shoot her" ZX0098 shot back, just as a blaster shot struck just inches from your feet.

"I was only intimidating her" The Trooper finished with what you were assuming was a satisfied smirk on his face.
"Dismissed, Lieutenant" The man ordered, sending a disgusted look his way. The Trooper nodded before looking at you and mock saluting.

An intense wave of hatred flowed through you as your eyes bored into him; suddenly, the Trooper stiffened and began marching over to you, anger seeming to almost boil off of him as approached.

"Lieutenant, what is the meaning of this!?" The man barked as he took a step towards the both of you.
ZX0098's pace quickened, blaster raised.
"Lieutenant!" The man shouted again, now quickening his gate.
You could almost see the rage emanating off of the Trooper while his almost robotic like pace intensified as he cocked his weapon.

The Trooper froze, shaking with hatred and blaster still pointed at you.
"Cease and desist, Trooper!" He yelled. Finally catching up to him and placing a hand on his shoulder, spinning the Trooper around. With a jolt, ZX0098 flinched and seemed visibly shaken.

Dropping his blaster, he spoke with a shaking voice.
"I-I-I-I'm sorry, G-general. I don-don't know what h-happened!"

The man's expression seemed somewhere between anger and worry as he shoved the Trooper towards one of the First Order ships.

"Report to Captain Phasma for evaluation, immediately! I can't have my men becoming uncontrollably trigger happy out in the field!"

"Y-yes Sir! Right away S-sir!" The Trooper fumbled out before hurriedly making his way to the ship.
"You there!" The man shouted to another Trooper, who quickly moved to stand before him after saluting.

"Yes, General Hux?"

"Follow ZX0098 and make sure he reports to Captain Phasma, as I've instructed!"
"Yes, General!" The Trooper saluted again before sprinting after ZX0098.

"And you," The General began. Red hair flopping slightly as he whipped his head to look at you.

"Follow me"

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