"Why, me of course"

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Just so you guys know, Hux's first name has been reviled to be Armitage, pronounced ARM-ih-tihj/Arm-it-too, so if you see me use that name, it is cannon! ^.^)

The steady, rhythmic thump of polished, black leather boots upon lifeless, cold, metal floors echoed through the strangely empty corridor of the First Order battleship as General Hux made is his way mechanically forward.

Well, maybe the fact that no one seemed to be down here wasn't so strange at all.
This is the corridor that leads to Kylo Ren's private quarters and quite frankly, no one went down here unless it was absolutely necessary.

No need to poke the bear, right? Or in this case, the emotionally disturbed, bipolar man-child who needed a hug.
Hux, however, liked to poke the man-child.

Not to say that he personally took precious time out of his busy day just to bug Ren, no, no, no. Hux was much better than that. Being the king of passive aggression and underhanded, snide comments, for Hux, annoying Kylo was actually quite easy, if not entertaining. In fact, Hux seemed to make it his personal mission to bug Kylo at least three times a day.

Which brings us back to the present, General Hux almost marching with glee down to Kylo's door before he proceeded to barge right in like he owned the place.

'Something that deeply annoys him' Hux thought happily, the beginnings of a sly smirk twitching at his lips. 

The Knight barely acknowledged him as he lay limply against the huge black couch that sat in the middle of the room, dressed only in a pair of loose-fitting black pants and....his mask....throwing some kind of ball at the wall before catching and throwing it again.

'Just ignore it, just ignore it, just i-'

"Must you wear that thing twenty-four seven!?" Hux blurted out exasperatedly, gesturing wildly at Kylo Ren's mask.

Ren stopped throwing the ball for a moment as he slowly turned his head to look at Hux, holding him with a steady gaze as he replied.


That said, Kylo then shifted his metal gaze back to the wall and resumed his previous actions while Hux rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his hair, trying not to pull it out in the process.
Barely able to be in Kylo's presence for any longer, Hux sighed and said what he came in to say in the first place.

"You'll be pleased, Ren-"

"Lord Ren!"

"...Ren, to know that we have successfully brought in several shiploads off of the new planet"

"Well, of course, you did" Kylo retorted, giving an annoyed sigh in the process.

"I'm the one who told you to go there in the first place, so it's completely obvious and horribly unnecessary for you to even mention that it went well"

'Breath, just breath, don't hit him, maintain your self-control...' 

"Riiiight...so I assume by your rude interruption that you don't care to hear about your new personal assistant?"

Again the ball stilled in his hand.
"My, what?" He asked sharply, beginning to squeeze the life out of the poor, defenseless object.
"I do not need an....assistant" Kylo finished. Spitting out the last word like it was a bad taste in his mouth.

Hux rolled his eyes and ground his teeth in exasperation at the Knight's insolence.
"Oh calm your cape, Ren," Hux said. A sentence that quickly had him dodging the ball that came careening towards his head.
"You're not the only one who's going to have an assistant"
"Really?" Ren huffed, crossing his arms in what only could be described as a manly pout.
"Who else is getting one then?"
Hux simply leered at Ren with an impish grin.

"Why me, of course"  

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