The Challenge

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(A/N: Sorry it's taken so long to post a new chapter :\ I've had a lot of stuff going on and this chapter isn't as long as I had planned or wanted, but hopefully you guys will like it. Also, the names Annalise and Rosalie are pronounced Ann-Uh-Lees and Rose-Uh-Lee)


Hatred. That's what filled your heart as your gaze met his. You felt the overwhelming urge to tear him to pieces and to show him all the pain that he had caused others.
The man met your gaze; fist with a look mixed with surprise and intrigue, before molding into a neutral expression as he leveled you with a glare.

You weren't sure how long you two had been engaged in the stare, but the heated battle of wills was suddenly broken as one of Zarra's pitiful sniffles broke the tense silence, causing the man's cold, distain filled eyes to shift harshly in her direction. Looking down his nose at her and straightening his already pristine uniform, the man began to speak. His tone distant and uncaring, as if it was taking everything he had to simply be in your presence.

"I am now responsible for the two of you, and seeing as how you are now under me, I expect full cooperation and obedience from the both of you. Is that understood?"

"Yes" You replied sharply, looking down at your feet to avoid meeting his eyes again anytime soon.

Zarra simply nodded.

The man's back straightened to an almost painful looking rigidness.

"You are to reply clearly to the person you are speaking with either a 'yes sir', 'no sir', 'yes ma'am' or 'no ma'am'. Am I understood?" He asked cocking one perfectly coifed red eyebrow.

"Yes, Sir" You both replied, Zarra with a look of fear, you with a look of pure contempt.

"Good. Now, both of you are to be cleaned up and made presentable for my later inspection" The man finished, gesturing at two young women who had arrived in the doorway.

"I'll be seeing you two shortly" And with a sharp nod, the man once again straightened his uniform before spinning on his boot heal and leaving the room as quickly as he had entered.

Both of the girls looked at you two timidly before one of them beckoned for you to follow.

As you and Zarra stepped out into the hallway the girl grabbed your shoulders, gently moving you so that the four of you made two lines with you and Zarra next to each other, and the two girls in front. It was then that the girl who had moved both of you officially addressed you. As she turned around, you made quick note of her bright green eyes and vibrant, short, strawberry-blonde hair as it made striking contrast to her pale and freckled skin. The other girl briefly glanced back at the two of you. Her medium length, reddish-brown locks falling into her dark green-blue eyes.

"This is how you are to walk at all times if you are following your assigned master around. You are not to walk beside or in front of them unless explicitly instructed. If you pass Storm Troopers or any other officials you are to pause and wait, head bowed, for them to move on before you continue on your way. If you meet any other servants you must walk by and not engage in conversation, you will have plenty of time to make nice during meals and/or other activities during the day. Do not speak unless spoken to, and when you are speaking, do not make eye contact. That's all for now, please follow us and for your own sake, and ours, remember what I have told you" She finished, her eyes lifeless and tone neutral.

Slowly she turned around and began walking away. You and Zarra exchanged looks before lowering your heads and silently following the duo down hallway after hallway, corridor after corridor until your feet started to ache, though you assumed you'd soon get accustomed to the excessive walking.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity, the girls stopped in front of a set of metal doors. Then, after looking around for, weren't sure what, she turned and smiled.

"Sorry if I seemed cold or harsh before" She said, catching you and Zarra off guard.

"I have to be that way in front of our overlords" she finished, making air quotes when she said the last word.

"My name is Annalise and this is my sister, Rosalie" Annalise continued, pointing to the other girl who simply kept gazing at the two of you blankly.

"And your names would be...?" Asked Annalise.

"I'm (y/n) and this is Zarra" You answered.

"Well, it's nice to meet you both. Come inside now, I do believe we have some work to do"



"How dare she? How dare she!?" General Hux was currently fuming as he paced back and forth in his office, prowling like an agitated lion while a very nervous and trembling officer pressed himself as close to the wall as possible, Datapad clutched tightly to his chest.

"W-who would that b-b-be, Sir?" The officer stuttered out, barley containing a squeak as Hux's penetrating gaze shifted to him.

"Why, that girl of course!" He roared, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Your s-soon-to-be assistant, Sir?" The officer questioned.

"Yes! Who else would it be, Wesley?!" Hux shot back, clenching and unclenching his fists.

Officer Wesley Pinkerton visibly flinched at the use of his first name, not being used to hearing it and gulped at the sight of the General's gloved hands.

"W-well I just thought, Sir that-"

"That's the problem, Wesley, you were thinking. Don't think, you're not paid to think" Hux stated as he stopped pacing to sit down at his desk.

"Yes Sir, of course Sir...sorry Si-"Hux dismissed Officer Pinkerton's frantic ramblings with a simple wave of his hand and gestured for him to sit at the chair across from himself on the other side of his desk.

Pinkerton cautiously did as told and sat down before clearing his throat and meekly speaking again.

"Um...w-what did she do, Sir?"

"She looked at me, Wesley!"

"W-well she just got here, Sir. She doesn't know not to look at you unless you a-"

"She didn't just look at me, Wesley! It was the way that little heathen did it!"

"...and how did she do it...Sir?"



"The way a little heathen would!"

"...which would, Sir?"

"With contempt, Wesley! Challenge and contempt!"

"O-oh, well I'm not sure she meant to challenge you, Sir-"

"Of course she did Wesley, don't be an idiot!" Hux roared, standing up quickly and with such force that his desk chair shot out from under him and slammed into the wall.

"And I never back down from a challenge!"

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