All You Could do, Was Nothing

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With a lingering glare this, 'General Hux', swiftly faced front before marching back toward one of the ships.

The idea of escaping briefly flashed in through your mind but was quickly squashed as you felt cold, armored hands grip your arms, causing you to look up at the two Storm Troopers now holding you tightly.

"I'd get a move on if I were you," The general said, not even bothering to look back at you.

"That is unless you prefer to be dragged to your destination?" He finished, a slight, sarcastically smug tone caressing his voice. The Trooper's grips tightening slightly to emphasize the warming.

The thought of being manhandled like some naughty child was enough to coax you into cooperating as you leered at the back of the man's head as you were lead forward and into a huge mass of screaming, crying and shouting people gathered around a group of menacing, varied sized ships.

"Silence, all of you!" Hux shouted, now standing in front of the now hushed and shaking crowd.

"Troopers!," Hux continued. "Organize the riff raff and make it quick. I haven't got all day and that sniveling weasel of a Knight, Ren, will want an update as soon as possible!"

"Yes, General!" came the almost perfectly synced reply as the Troopers showed reverence to their general by thrusting their blasters into the air with one hand, while the other formed a fist and rested upon the opposite shoulder.

And so the sorting process began the young from the old, the weak from the healthy, and the girls from the boys.

"No, please! Zodak!" The tortured cries of your best friend tore at your heart as you shifted your gaze toward the direction of her voice, where the sight of two Storm Troopers trying to pry Zodak and Zarra away from each other came into view.

"Quiet yourself, woman or he'll be dead before you have time to blink!" shouted one of the troopers, finally succeeding in his attempts of ripping Zarra away from her brother.

Rage filled Zodak's dark eyes as he tore away from the trooper that was holding him, only to tackle the one that was holding Zarra. His vengeful attack was cut short, as the sudden crack of what sounded like a Lightsaber springing to life broke through the commotion, followed by a brief, few seconds of silence before the horrid sound of a whip being struck against someone's skin broke it.

You could only imagine the pain Zodak was going though as he screamed before crumpling to the ground in agony.

'A Lightwhip' you thought, looking at the glowing red weapon in horror.

Lightwhips are basically a less lethal form of Lightsabers. The handles and ways of deployment are the same, but the 'blade' of a Lightwhip looked like....well....a whip.

A strike from a Lightwhip wouldn't kill you, as a strike from a Lightsaber would, but a good stroke from one could leave a person immobile for hours with pain. A few strokes....and the victim would be useless for days.

"On your feet, slave!" Commanded the whip-wielding Storm Trooper, or 'Wielder', as we called them.

Wielders look like regular Storm Troopers, except their armor is a dark, rusty red color.

"There's more where that came from if you don't do as you're told!" The Wielder continued, kicking Zodak in the ribs when he didn't lunge to his feet. Zodak just groaned and struggled to even make it to his knees when the Wielder seemed bored of waiting and instructed to other troopers to haul him to his feet.

"Now, does anybody else not want to do as their told?" the Wielder asked, flicking his Lightwhip threateningly.

No answer came.

"Alright then. Into your assigned ships!" he ordered.

Just as you began to move toward the ship which held your division, you were suddenly stopped by the general's voice.

"You, girl and you," He said, pointing to Zarra,

"You two are with me. I can see that the both of you are going to be trouble, and would rather you be in capable hands" He finished with an expression somewhere between contempt and annoyance.

"Ladies first" Hux spoke, bowing mockingly as both of you were forced into his ship.

And all you could do, was nothing.

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