Chapter three.

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Tenth grade.
Chuck's POV.

It was just a normal day at Springfield High in Mr. Smith's tenth grade English class when I finally got the guts to ask my dream girl out.

I had it all planned out, I just had to make sure she would be at the right place at the right time.

'Dude, you're sweating.' Peter nudges me. 'Chill out.'

I try to swallow but my mouth is dry. 'I don't know if I can do this.'

Tyson hits my shoulder. 'This is just the first step, brother.' He looks up and smirks. 'Oh, here she is.'

'Hey guys.' Melanie greets all three of us in her angelic voice. 'Practice is shorter tonight, by the way.' She slips in as she takes a seat in front of me.

The smell of tropical fruit floods my nose.

'Chuck?' He whispers.

'What Peter?'

He glances at Melanie, who's too preoccupied by her friend Ashlyn to hear us. 'Stop smelling her.'

My eyes widen and my cheekbones redden. 'Shit.'

'Wait, why is practice short tonight?' Tyson asks Melanie, thankfully changing the subject as Melanie tunes back in to us.

'We're having a "start of the season" party at my house after practice. So it will end at five instead of six.'

I swallow, even more nervous now.

'Oh and I convinced my dad to keep the pool open for us, so bring your trunks boys.' She smiles sweetly before adding a wink and turning in her chair.

My mouth falls open and I groan before I let my head fall onto the desk as my two friends laugh at my misery.


Coach decided since our practice was shorter that it needed to be tougher. So we ran a few miles, worked on drills and then pushed ourselves in the weight room.

My arms and legs felt like jelly by the time coach dismissed us to the showers.

'There will be burgers, hot dogs and my wife made desserts, so I hope you're all hungry!' Coach yells before jumping into his truck, Melanie following suit.

'Why didn't you ask her yet?' Peter shoves me once they pull away.

'Well unless you really are stupid, you had to of noticed I was busy practicing. Plus she left right away.'

He scoffed. 'You're just being a little bitch.'

I narrow my eyes at him. 'No I'm not. I'll ask her at the party.'

'Prove it.'

'I will.'

Once we make it to the party, we're all in swimming trunks and t-shirts. I feel my palms start to sweat just thinking of Melanie in a bathing suit.

Breathe Chuck.

Peter knocks and Melanie's mom, Jackie, answers the door with the same smile and the same honey eyes as Melanie possesses.

'Well, hello boys. It's been awhile since you've all been over. Come in!' She opens the door wide and holds it there as we all enter.

Their house is a simple, country home, similar to mine and most of the people's houses in this town.

'Food's almost ready, Tom is out back. Y'all can join him.'

We thank her and make our way to the back.

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