January 10, 2017

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Dang it. Here I am working on my English homework and it's talking about audience and how the readers should influence what the writer puts down on paper, so of course the only think I can think about is a new prompt for a book that I don't have time to write. So I wanted to throw out this idea that came to mind....

Would you read a story in first person written by a schizophrenic so each chapter would be a completely different writing style with different lingoes and stuff? It would be more like journal entries with each chapter being a different persona that he has. 

I wasn't sure and wanted to ask all of you what you thought and maybe, if I have time to get around to it, and once I finish my other writings, (crossed fingers for new stuff coming soon. Please pray for me.) I may write this, if you guys say you'll read it. 

Please comment your opinions on this idea! 

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