Hello, I am a Task-Doer

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What happens when you only talk to people about the things that they do? When that is all you worry yourself about in other peoples life, you are reducing their worth to that of a simple task-doer.

It is a tragedy when the value a human being holds is reduced to an automatonic task-doer, for when they fail to complete an assigned task, the problem is not found in the amount of stress or lowered value that you have imposed upon them, but in something about their wiring. You have focused so heavily upon their tasks that you have forgotten that they are worth so much more. 

They have feelings and emotions. They experience stress, just like every other human being. They have opinions on the tasks laid before them. They are more than just task-doers. They are human beings.

They are not robots programmed to complete all tasks laid before them in a timely manner. They are people who will procrastinate because they are afraid of the assignment. They are not robots who do as they are wired to pump out the same quality material every time. They are people who struggle with some concepts over others. They are not robots who can work without stopping. They are people who need breaks and vacations in order to refocus on the tasks ahead.

People never have, and never will be simple task-doers. We are complex and unique, designed for so much more than work. We are designed for love, joy, compassion, sadness, anger, frustration, and a myriad of other emotions, thoughts, feelings, and opinions. 

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