It's Spring

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There's something magical
About the way
The grey turns to green
And when the dry fingers reach out
Towards the open sky
They find themselves nourished
By the falling rain

A gentle caress
A ray of light
The hair blowing wind
It's spring
Someone cries
As they pick a bloom
From the earth,
It's well tended womb

While others
Remain inside
To watch the seasons change
Through the windows
As their lungs can't bear
The pollen that riddles the air
Unfortunately it's everywhere
A curse that they must wear
The outdoors is beautiful
But you won't find me there

Yay for allergies! Am I right? This is just a quick poem I wrote up because I'm sitting wrapped in a blanket on a couch by a window. I looked outside and noticed how gorgeous it is with the branches just starting to get little green leaves on them, and I thought about how I'd love to go out and I do anything outside, but my asthma and allergies will flare up really badly, and because of that, I can only enjoy the beauty through the windows of my house.
-Brenda Castleton

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