Chapter One

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Grabbing my suit cases from the taxi, I pay the driver and turn around facing my new home.
Entering college a state away from my parents was a good idea.
I didn't want him to hurt anybody ever again.
Shuddering at my dark thoughts, I stare at the depressed looking house.
Its old walls mocking me with the red paint peeling off, the windows boarded up for winter and the tall trees surrounding the house. The house deep in the forest.
The windows so old I can almost see the rust collecting around the hinges.
Giving a loud sigh, I decide its time to meet my new room mates.
Getting my keys out of my shoulder bag, I unlock the door and flinch when I hear two girls giggling.
Calm down lillith, its not so bad.
Patting my hair down, I check if my black skinny jeans are still clean. Finding it spotless I nod to myself.
Pulling my hoodie down again, I smile at the skulls printed on the front.
I love my skulls.
Time to girl up and face the world.
Walking in and closing the door, glad to be rid of the snow and the cold wind.
Putting my bag on the ground next to the door, I call out to the other girls.
"Hello? Uh.. Somebody in here?"
Hearing a squeaky voice, I cringe.
Oh god please don't tell me I'm stuck with a doll face.
Walking to the kitchen I see its just as old as the house seem to be. Broken cupboards, the table so old it looks like it was made in the 16th century. The single fridge squealing in its old state.
This really sucks.
Looking at the girl who called me to the rusty kitchen, I sigh.
Great, just what I needed.
Grimacing at her girly appearance, I see her doing the same for my goth self.
I have long black hair and blue eyes the colour of the ocean, always wearing black eyeliner and red lipstick, I'm curvy in the right places.
She is the exact opposite of me.
Blonde hair with green eyes and she's wearing pink lip gloss and purple eye shadow. Skinny with no curves.
Were I'm wearing black skinny jeans with my black hoodie and black pumps, she's wearing a bright pink summer dress and high heels.
Goody! Not.
Giving her a fake smile I turn to my other roomie.
When you see her big white glasses and pencil skirt with a white frilly top and a shy smile you instantly know she's a nerd.
I mean she's clutching a science book to her side like a shield.
Groaning In horror, I try to smile.
"Uh hi, I'm Lillith black. You guys are?"
Smirking at doll face when I see her eye twitching, I see the nerdy one blushing.
"Hi! I'm Blair and this is Erika. So good to finally meet you."
Preppy and squeaky voice.
Ugh I wish I could just crash and sink like the titanic.
"Great so I'll just go unpack my stuff. Enjoy."
Spinning around before Blair can make my ears bleed with her irritating voice, I speed walk to my room.
Opening the door and shutting it behind me quickly, I sigh and lean against the door.
Closing my eyes, I try to relax.
Opening them, I look around and see the double bed in the corner with a double door closet.
Plain and simple.
I'll have to decorate it myself.
I can already imagine my black paint on the walls.
Dropping my suitcase and shoulder bag I think to myself at how lucky I am to have gotten away from my stalker.
I'd rather live with doll face than be stalked by a monster.

When I wake up hours later I'm greeted with darkness.
Getting up, I decide to eat. I hope doll face can actually cook.
Going to the kitchen and sitting on the chair, I greet them silently and stare out of the window at the darkness outside. The tall trees blocking out the moon.
The only window not boarded up is in the kitchen, but you can't even see past the trees outside.
Getting lost in thought.

Flashback.. A year ago.
Standing frozen beside my bed, I try getting enough oxygen.
Panic and fear eating me alive.
He said If I tell anybody, he will kill them.
I didn't believe him.
Telling my best friend about the stalker, was the biggest mistake I could ever make.
While she's finished telling me to go to the police, we hear a loud growl.
Spinning around, she screams the most terrifying scream I have yet to hear.
Looking past her small frame, I see a monster.
A monster standing on two legs, two arms and claws so sharp it would cut through wood and bone with ease.
He's naked and full of brown hair everywhere.
His teeth looks like a nightmare all on its own.
His eyes a yellow/red colour burning with hate directed at Meena.
Frozen in shock, reason leaves my body as it speeds right at us with so much fury in its eyes I nearly die of a heart attack.
Trying to take hold of Meena, I realise its too late.
He pounds on her, grabbing her throat with its clawed hands and growls so loud my ear drum ruptured and blood is flowing out of it, down my neck and dripping on my shirt.
Screaming in terror with no savior, no way out.
I watch as the monster drags Meena into the forest.
Seeing her face haunts my dreams and breaks my heart, because she's looking at me pleading to help her, tears coming out of her brown eyes, her brown hair matted with blood,and her bleeding body leaving a trail of blood from my feet to where it is taking her.
Too late to help, I call 911.
Hours later, I get a call from the police telling me she was found dead, limbs scattered everywhere around her broken body and half if it eaten. With no trace to the killer.

Later I found out its the same monster that's been stalking me. He sent me notes claiming to kill off every person I love if I didn't come to him willingly.
Taking the only option I saw fit, I fled the state and signed up for  college.
Finding out a monster is stalking me made me realise just how Much I loved my parents and living.
I just hope and pray that it will not find me here.
But hope is a dangerous thing, because I know somehow, someday it will find me.

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