Chapter Two

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Roses are red,
Lillie's are blue.
Start running baby,
Because I'm coming for you.

Going for a jog, I run five miles and circle around again. Going back home.
On my way about a mile from home, I see a slight movement to my right.
Turning my head towards the tall green trees, I see it again.
A movement so fast, my heart starts pounding faster.
Trying to run faster proves worthless because the faster I run, the faster the thing moves.
Oh god oh god oh god.
Please tell me its not him.
Please please. Run Lil run faster!
Going so fast the trees and the road flies around me, I try looking around for people.
Only seeing trees and more trees to my left and to my right, I start to panic.
I'm going so fast the wind is deafening my ears, my feet is getting numb and the sweat is running down my body like rain.
But I don't care because if its him, then nothing can save me.
Looking back to the forest again, I see the face of the monster I dream of every night for a year now.
Jesus he's here! Its him! Oh god oh god.
Running to the other side of the road, I search for a slight entrance into the woods.
Finding none, the panic and fear starts eating at me.
Looking back again, I whimper and start crying.
The tears tasting salty in my dry mouth.
He made his way over the road, running behind me on two legs.
Giving me a smirk so his teeth is showing.
Jesus Christ, the teeth that killed my best friend.
He must be playing with me.
Turning my head forward again I focus on the gravel road, watching as I run, how the road speeds by in a blur.
Concentrating on my breathing and my pounding heart.
If I make one mistake and fall, I'm done for.
Seeing my house I almost scream in relief.
If I can just make it to the door and scream.
Why did I choose a house in the woods? What is wrong with me?
Almost making it to the door, I'm  lifted up into the air, seeing my house pass by me in a blur.
Screaming in terror, I try clawing at its hairy back.
Today I die. I'm still a virgin.
Please karma I beg you to spare me.
My clawing receives a low growl, and immediately I stop.
What the fuck am I supposed to do now?
Seeing my house shrink to a dot in the horizon, the trees getting thicker and the road stopped.
The clouds dark and the breeze cold.
Running through the woods with me on his back, a tree stump just high enough to hit my head, my head collides with the stump and I pass out.

Waking up with a scream, I jump up and see that I'm in a white room with no windows.
One black iron door, and the bed I'm occupying.
Glancing around the depressing white walls, I see I missed a bucket at the foot of the bed.
Bare mattress with one pillow and a grey thin blanket thrown over me.
Where the hell am I?
Panic rising and choking me, I blink away the tears threatening to spill.
I will not cry.
Whimpering when the door opens, I scoot over to the white wall and try making myself as small as I can manage.
Stepping inside is a tall man with black hair and eyes as black as his soul. The muscles in his arms as big as my waist.
This must be him.
Smirking at me, showing me his teeth in a threatening way.
His voice as deep as the ocean, making me flinch.
"Baby I told you I'm coming for you. You should not have underestimated an alpha. You know what happens when you disappoint me. Your little brother will meet you in hell baby."
Gasping, the fire inside of me sparks and I jump up from the bed and rise to my feet and glare at his handsome face.
"You monster! I told you to leave me the fuck alone but your ears are rotten just like your soul. Let him go you bastard."
Laughing at me, he starts advancing on me.
"Lillith I told you not to run. But you didn't listen and I have to punish you for that baby."
Poking him in his abnormally large chest.
"You.leave.him.alone! You can do what you want to me but you leave him alone fucker."
My voice dripping venom as I speak, my eyes killing him.
Giving me a grin that makes my heart drop, I start freaking out.
I really miss my family and I thought I protected them when I left.
"Baby you say that like you think I'll believe you. I give you a week to proof to me that you'll obey me, and if that works then I'll let the little brat go. In an hour I'll send you some food. Eat. I'll stop by later."
Still grinning he turns around and leaves, slamming the door behind him.
Falling down on the bed in misery, I think about my mom and dad and brother.
They deserve to be left alone. They don't deserve to be dragged into this mess.
So I guess I'll give the monster what he wants. For my brother's sake.
Falling asleep I think to myself that I don't really care about the food.
Maybe he's going to poison me.
There's no way in hell I'll be able to eat.

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