Chapter Four

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You were supposed to keep me from falling,
You should've heard me calling,
But now my world is falling apart,
You once upon a time broke my heart.
Now the world around me has fallen lost,
All time has turned into frost.
Everything seems to slip away,
All of your lies to pay.
I've lost my way,
I need you to see,
Can you even hear me?
I'm losing sight,
Falling on this dark night.
All alone wandering in the dark,
Searching for something in death's park.
I've been waiting so long,
Can't you hear and feel my sad song?
Been crying alone in the rain,
Been through so much pain.
I feel so empty,
I feel so alone.
I keep trying to break away,
But until I know its the right day,
Until I find a way.

Written by EvaGora.

Waking up, I realise my lower body is full of blood.
I'm sore all over, my emotions running away.
I feel guilt and depressed.
Nobody will ever be able to heal what I went through last night.
I'm startled when a voice rises to my left.
"You look exhausted. But always so beautiful. Did you enjoy last night darling?"
Flinching when he recalls the nightmare I went through, I drag my eyes his way and glare at him.
If the roles were reversed you would be eating your own shit right now.
Laughing at my glare, he stands to his full height.
"Get up, your going to shower and dress sexy. Then I want you to meet my beta and third in command."
Standing up on wobbly legs, I lift my sore body and stalk behind him. So now were playing house are we? Game fucking on bastard.
Smiling to myself at the sudden ideas forming in my head, I feel better already.
Watching the halls, I can only see six doors until we reach the destination he wants me to shower. At least its a blue colour and not depressing white.
He nods my way, motioning for me to go inside.
I open the door, glare at the cheery room and stride to the bathroom slamming the door.
I scrub my skin raw with vanilla shower gel and wash my hair two times before I get out.
The memories of him forcing me down on the bed, his skin inside of me. His grunts and groans.
I feel a traitorous tear slide down my cheek, but I don't allow more than one. I will not be broken again. I will fight.
Peeking through the bathroom door to see if I'm alone, I see he left but there's a white dress on the blue double bed.
A long sleeved white dress with red rose patterns.
Fucking dog thinks I will play nice? I'll show you what a pain in the ass I can be.
Dressing into the ridiculous white thing, its so ugly in goth terms I can't even imagine one of my friends catching me in this - this saint mary dress.
God if your even there, please let me die. And make it quick, like now will do.
Looking to the left, I see I have a double closet, dark brown with white wolf symbols on it.
Taking a peek inside, I'm shocked to see the bastard stocked all of my clothes in white and pink.
Mortified, I slam the door shut so hard it nearly breaks.
He knows I hate pink!
Getting make up laying on the bed, I see the same colours with the eye shadows and lip sticks.
Oh, Jesus Christ your laughing aren't you? Because I'm goth you think I deserve this torture? So fucking funny.
I refuse to wear this clown masks.
Lost in my thoughts, I feel a hand on my back.
I jump back and spin around, kicking out to fall on my ass.
He tripped me!
"You're so crazy you stocked all of my clothes and make up in white and pink! I'd rather walk naked!"
He's smirking at me, coming closer.
"I prefer the colour pink, you look better. What you don't know yet lillith, Is that I'm a control freak and I like things my way. And I happen to like pink and white on a woman. And if you disobey me, I will spank your ass so raw you will beg for death. I will fuck you so hard you'll pray to a god that doesn't exist. Now be a good girl and wear the make up."
Looking at him shocked, I'm tongue tied.
Closing my eyes, I want to tell him that I give up.
But my mouth works on its own.
"NO." Simple answer, buy yet so many complications.
I blink, and the next second his fist connects with my cheek.
I cry out in agony, my tongue bleeding and my cheek stinging.
He hit me and I bit my tongue!
I hate you I hate you I hate you!.
Whimpering, I try curling into a ball.
"Don't you ever say no to me again, I will rip out each of your teeth slowly, I will stick needles under your nails one for one. Now clean up this mess and be ready in twenty minutes."
His voice dangerous, the threats sinking in.
Why did I ever have to get stuck with a monster like this when girls like doll face go through life unscathed, happy and free. Marriage and kids and a great job falls into their hands.
Me? I have to parade around for monsters acting like a house wife deeply in love with a werewolf.
Cleaning away the blood, I put the ridiculous make up on, I wait for his 'majesty' to appear.
Seeing him in a black suit, white shirt and shining shoes I feel like gagging.
His black hair gelled side ways, his black soulless eyes scanning me over.
Time to act like the doll he wants me to be.
I'll show you a doll.
Fear choking me, I'll have to play with the big boys now.

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