Chapter Five

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I walk behind the beast, already planning my escape.
Taking in each detail about the place, like the long hall and I've counted nine doors so far.
Why is his house so huge?
He stops and I walk straight into his broad back, I was too busy taking in each and every centimeter of his house to notice him stop.
He turns around glaring at me with hatred, I glance down at my ridiculous shoes. My pink shoes.
Flat pink pumps with roses printed all over them.
"You should start acting like a lady, I told you to behave. Now open your eyes and use your manners when you meet my beta. Otherwise I will punish you again. Understood?".
Gulping, my cheek is still throbbing painfully.
" Understood. I will behave."
He turns around and walks into the ball room, his voice loud when he greets his friends.
I take a deep breath, scared of his reaction for what I'm about to do.
I walk into the room with my head held high, my eyes scanning the expensive cream walls, the high ceilings with golden chandeliers in diamond shapes.
I stop in front of a huge blond guy, looking into his blue eyes.
His jaw muscled, his beard growing past his neck.
He smirks at me with his pearly white teeth, his full red lips spreading wide open.
"So this is the lucky girl huh? She's sexy, at least her breasts are bigger than that bimbo you always fuck."
The beast snarls at him possessively.
"Do not talk about her tits. She is a sexy little thing though. Lillith, this is my beta Charlie."
Smiling at him cockily, I nod at him and turn my head towards the other guy.
"This is Nate, my third in command."
Looking at his red hair and freckles, his soft green eyes, I would have said he is cute in a brotherly way if he wasn't a monster like him.
"Nice to meet you. At least you don't talk about my boobs."
Glaring at the other man, I drag my eyes to my kidnapper.
"You haven't even told me your name yet and you've already raped me and abused me. How did your mother raise you? Or did she never teach you basic manners?"
I realise my mistake the moment his eyes turn black, his jaw ticking and his hands twitching.
I made the beast angry.
Giving him a smile, I walk to the food table and serve myself some pizza and coke.
The faster I get fat the faster he kills me. So I'll eat as much pizza as I feel like.
My ears picking up a faint whimper while I devour my pizza, I walk around the table and see a small girl about sixteen years old crouching behind the table cleaning the floors.
Is that blood? What the hell is it doing on the floor?
The girl whips her head up towards me, and flinches when I reach my hand out for her to take.
"Hi. Don't be scared, I'm just trying to help you. My name is lillith."
She observes me with her calculating brown eyes, her brown hair up in a tight bun.
She smiles shyly, and I smile back to ease her nerves.
"Hi. I'm Eve. Uh, why are you talking to me? Aren't you a snob like the rest of the girls? Not to offend you. I mean usually they just snarl at me and call me names."
Feeling pity for this small girl, I crouch down to her level keeping eye contact.
"No darling I'm not a bitch. I'm sorry that they treat you poorly, but what do you mean other girls? There are more than you and me? And why are you here? Your human right?"
She quickly cleans up the last of the blood and hides the bucket under the table with the mop.
She stands up along with me, and glances at the beasts.
"Look we're not alone in this, there is me and you, I'm just a maid thank god. Then you have Mia and Sunny. Their personal slaves for those two standing with the master. We are not allowed to socialise much, the other girls think their better than me because I'm just the maid here. I'm sorry if I offended you."
Giving her a smile, I look towards the 'master' to see if he's still busy. If he heard us talking he would kill the poor thing.
"So their slaves as in sex slaves? And why would they be better than you. Their still human. Where's the rest of the monsters or whatever?"
She drinks her glass of coke, looking at me in pity.
"Yes they are sex slaves. And because they get treated better. They call it a pack, and the master is the alpha. The leader of the pack. They usually come to the pack house on weekends.
Or in the week but only for business. But I must advise you to stay away from the females of the pack, they are cruel and they won't hesitate to try and kill you because your the alpha's human mate."
Great so now I have more monsters determined to kill me.
"Thanks for the advice. I'm glad to make a friend in this hell hole. How did you end up here?".
She smiles sadly, looking out of the massive windows. He eyes glazing with tears.
"My stepmother sold me to the alpha. She always hated me, always insulted me, always hitting me and lying to my dad telling him I asked for it."
The tears fall freely now, her eyes broken.
Her mother sold her to this monster? Oh god, she's only sixteen or so.
I take her smaller hand in mine, squeezing it and rubbing circles on her thumb for comfort.
I see the 'alpha' laughing with his goons, a female on his lap now.
Kissing and nibbling on his neck and chest, rubbing against him.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that. I promise you I will find a way to escape and I will take you with me and we can run far away and hide." I smile at her, her eyes widening and hope shines through her brown eyes.
"Thank you lil. I'm glad to have met you. I don't think I would have been able to take much more before we met. I will help you with the escape plan, I know this place inside and out. He's calling you, I'll see you later tonight. Leave your door open."
I glance at him, he's looking at me in expectance.
Smiling at Eve, I say my goodbye's and head for the jerk.
"You called me?" I look at him with boredom, tapping my foot against the white marble tiles.
He glares at me in disgust and pulls me towards his lap.
Forced to sit on his lap, I close my eyes and ignore him flatly.
His voice sending shivers down my spine when he brings his mouth to my ear and whispers huskily.
"Are you enjoying it already? Hmm. Don't worry my peach, my naughty girl will be fucked to sleep later." His hand tracing slowly lower down my stomach.
He pushes his hand under my dress, caressing my core.
I whimper in disgust and fear.
His friends chuckles loudly.
"You've got a naughty one right here Tristan. Enjoy her man, we've got to go run some errands." They stand up and make their leave.
I glare at their retreating figures with hate, how dare they say that.
At least I've got a partner in crime now, we can escape together.

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