Chapter Three

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I've been used,
And I've been abused.
I've been slapped to the floor,
Left with pain and nothing more.
Been left broken and hurt.
I'm so lost and empty,
Why didn't you defend me?
The day she left me,
When I close my eyes that's all I can see.
Her dying..
Me crying..
I've been through worse that hell,
It never works to cry nor yell.
I was so scared,
Because I was never prepared.
Now she is gone and I'm left to die,
And All I can do is cry.

Mom always told me never to show weakness, that if you do then it can be used against you.
But I never really listened to her blabbering.
Until today that is.
Laying in the dark room, I count to a thousand and back again.
Trying to stay calm.
Its been a month that I've been held captive, I've only eaten four times.
Humming a tune and tapping my fingers against the depressing white walls, I imagine myself at a dummu borgir concert, with my best friend beside me.
The iron door opens, and I jump like a weak fool.
Sitting up and glaring at the monster holding me captive.
"Baby. How are you today? The food OK?".
I'm not shocked about this normalness at all, he comes and goes everyday asking me about how the food is when he's holding me captive.
I feel my hands start to sweat and my fingers start shaking.
Overcome with the urge to strangle him, but rationally I know I could never strangle a beast.
" yeah whatever, I guess you haven't killed me yet. So why am I here?".
Looking into his dark eyes, I hope he says he will let me leave soon.
"Your asking me why your here? How the fuck should I know why your mother and father fu-"
"Stop right there you asshole! I asked here, as in captive."
Glaring at his smirking face.
"I know what you meant Lillith. I just like fucking around with you. Because your my mate as I've told you before."
Mate?! What the hell does mate even mean?
"What the fuck does a mate mean you shithead? I've asked you over and over but yet your so stubborn and selfish you kidnap me for a reason you won't even explain."
He gives a big dramatic sigh as if I'm a bug irritating him.
"A mate is a gift to a werewolf, given by the moon goddess. A soulmate if you don't understand. And to every werewolf there is given a mate. I didn't want one but yet the butch gave me a fucking human for a mate."
This asshole is kidnapping a gift from the moon goddess? I hope she burns his soul, rots his mind and takes his body.
Because a monster like him should not roam this earth.
I wish I died, or better yet, not even born.
I would rather eat snakes than be here with this phsyco.
If I haven't seen him shift I wouldn't have believed his crazy words.
"A mate.. So your kidnapping your soulmate and your not getting punished?".
Getting furious he strides to my side and glares at me, shaking in anger.
I'm almost afraid he'll shift and eat me.
" I got my punishment and that's being mated to a human, you will not speak of this further because how can one speak about something you will never understand. Your not a gift to me, your a fucking curse."
He lifts me up bridal style, and throws me on the bed.
He pins me with his huge arms and legs, glaring at me with hatred.
Fear bubbling within me, I whimper.
What the hell is he doing?
He takes out five ties, then he starts tying my hands to the bed board, my left then my right.
He smirks at my scared face, then starts with my legs.
He ties my feet to the back of my legs, just under my butt.
Panic strikes me while he spreads my legs far apart.
"Please stop, I'll obey and I'll keep my mouth shut please."
My voice a hoarse whisper laced with fear.
He just smirks at me with a glint in his eyes I can't pin.
He slowly strokes my neck all the way down to my breasts.
In a sudden movement, he rips my shirt and Bra away from my body.
He strokes my bare chest and stomach, getting closer to my shorts.
He rips my shorts away, along with my panties.
Oh god, Jesus Christ.
What the fuck do I do now?
He looks longingly at my core, starting to stroke me.
Whimpers leave my mouth, whimpers of being mortified because I actually like the feeling.
I'm a virgin, so sue me.
"P-Please stop."
Ignoring my comment, he turns me around into a doggy style.
He rubs my butt, then slaps it so hard my eyes starts watering.
He gives me one, two, three, four.
I scream in pain and pleasure.
Confused that my body is betraying me.
He stops at fifteen, and I wonder if he's done.
He made me org@sm about three times.
I wish I was never even born, this is emotional abuse at its best.
I feel guilty for enjoying this.
He laughs when he sees my blushing face, fucking asshole!
He pushes my back forward so my chest is flat on the bed, then he pushes my butt up into the air.
Sweat makes it's way past my forehead into my eyes, burning me outside as well as inside.
Oh no...please no no no-
He enters me so fast I can't even gasp quick enough.
"No! Stop!".
Screaming, because it burns like a bitch.
I wanted to keep my virginity for the love of my life, my husband one day.
But now... Now I'm used and I'll never be able to give it to the one I love.
Crying as I realise he took away the one thing I never wanted to lose to a monster.
He slams into me faster, harder with each second making me gasp and sweat.
He groans, and I feel warm liquid flow inside of me.
He pulls out, unties me, gets dressed and slam the door on his way out.
Leaving me broken and crying like a weak mess.
He just broke me.
And I don't think I can take more of this.
There's no way out, I have no saving knight.
I have nobody knowing where I am.
This is utterly my worse nightmare.
And I'm all alone.

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