Chapter 5

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Keaton POV

    I want to show Megan that I can be that guy for her, I love her and I always have loved her I want to be there for her even if the twins aren't mine I still want a family with her. I'm going to get her back.

Tyler POV

    I'm going to show Megan that I can be the guy for her, I do love her and want what’s best for her, and I think I can be that guy. Even if the twins aren't mine I still want to help her. I'm going to get her back.

Megan POV

   It was just one of days where I wanted to just to be a teenager again. Being a mom is going to change my life, I'm not sure my mood swings are just crazy right now.  I got downstairs going on the couch next to Wes. ''Hi" I said, "Hey mama" Wesley said, "Wes I need help" I said. "With what?" he ask, "Keaton or Tyler" I said.

   "Look Meg they are both good guys either one you pick will be good for you, but it’s up to you to figure out who you want" he said, "That's the thing I know who I want but I don't know if I am making the right choice" I said, "Who are you picking?" he ask, "I can’t tell you, I can’t tell anyone, but I want that person to know I love him and only him and I want a family with him" I said. "It’s Tyler" he said.

   "I can’t say" I said, I'm not going to say anything to anyone but I know who I want now, it took a lot of time but I now know. Tyler and Keaton both walked in. "Hey you two" he said, "Where were you guys?" I ask, "Just skating around" Tyler said, "Oh I miss skating" I said. "That's exactly what I'm going to first teach the twins how to skate" Keaton said. "Hell no they aren't skating till there teens, I had so many injuries they won’t have any" I said.

    That's just the mood swings talking" he said, "Shut up" I said, we laughed. "How are you feeling Meg?" Tyler asks. "Um good, can someone hand me a pillow" I said, "Here" Keaton and Tyler both said giving me one. "Um thanks two the better" I said, I looked at Wes, this was a bit weird, "Hey Megan didn't you want to go to the baby store and buy a crib" Wesley said, I had no clue what he meant but I went along with it. "Oh yeah I wanted to go and I need someone to take me" I said, "I'll take you" Keaton and Tyler said again at the same time, I had a feeling I knew what was going on.

     They looked at each other, "I can take you it’s no problem" Keaton said, "I'll go to" Tyler said, "Okay, um my bag and phone upstairs I need to get it" I said, "I got it" Keaton said running up stairs, "I'll help him" Tyler said chase after him. Wesley laughed.

   "What is going on here?" I ask, "Isn’t it obvious Megan, they are trying to win you over they are doing things for you to show that they are here for you" he said, "How do you know?" I ask, "I'm a guy I can tell" he said, "So what do I do?" I ask, "Well you said you know who you want to pick you need to talk to that person and tell them" he said. Wes was right I guess it’s time to say it before this gets too far.

   They came back down, "Ready to go" Tyler ask, "I was actually just going to order it so I wouldn't have to go in, I'm pretty tired" I said, "Yeah that's cool, I can help you with that later" Keaton said, "I'm a bit hungry now" I said, "Want me to make you some pancakes?" Tyler asks, "Actually I was craving some pizza" I said, "The bagel bite ones" Wesley said, he smiled at me. "Yeah those" I said, "I'll go buy you some" They did it again. "You both can go" I said, "Right" Keaton said, they walked out.

   Wesley and I laughed, "You are having too much fun with this" I said, "It’s funny, they love you" Wesley said, "Do you see how hard it was to pick" I said, "You just got to follow your heart" he said.

   All day Keaton and Tyler kept doing everything for me that I ask, it was sweet but yet I know I have to tell them I'm ready to pick, I hate this and I don't want to lose anyone  as a friend. I called Taylor over I need a girlfriend right now. We were in my room.

   "So I know who I want" I said, "Who it is?" Taylor ask, "I can’t say I don't want anyone to know yet" I said, "I have a feeling I know who it is, but I am happy for you" she said, "I just want to lose anyone again" I said, "You won’t lose anyone" she said.

   "I still feel horrible for what I did to you" I said, "Its okay we already said our sorry I forgive you" she said, I touched my stomach. "How did this happen" I said, "Sex" she said, well duh I knew that.

   "Stupid sex, god I just can’t believe that I don't know who the dad is" I said. "Okay lets figure this out, when did you and Keaton do it" she said, "New York, I'm sorry" I said, "Stop don't be, New York and then Tyler" she said. "No when we came back Keaton and I did it again and then I came home and Tyler and I did it, it was all close at the same time" I said, "Shit it was, I honestly don't know, but I need to know something" she said.

   "What?" I ask, "Who better?" she ask, I laughed so hard, Oh my god I can’t believe she ask that. "Taylor" I said. "I want to know come on just between us girls" she said, "I don't know, I mean both of them were good" I said, this was awkward to talk about to be honest.

  "You got to know" she said, "It was our first time so Keaton" I said, we laughed. "I'm sorry but I never saw Keaton having sex he so innocent" she said, "Right I was shock it happened" I said, we laughed again. I put my hand on my stomach, "What's wrong?" she asks, "Oh they are just both kicking really hard right now" I said.

   "You think you’re almost ready" she said, "I'm almost 7 months getting closer" I said, "I can’t wait to see them" she said. "Me too, I want them out already they are heavy" I said, we laughed. "Mommy wants you two out, thought of any names" she said, "Um I have a couple" I said, "Let’s hear them" she said, "Okay well I chose a lot of names but I went down to two names if they twins are boys Hunter and Robbie, and if they are girls Maddie and Rose" I said, "Awh those are so cute I really like the name Maddie" she said. I picked that name Maddie because that's Keaton favorite girl name.

     "It's a good name" I said. I smiled.

    I need to talk with Keaton and Tyler its time I know who I want to be with now and I need to tell them the truth.

      Text message to Tyler: Hey I need to have a talk with you tomorrow.

   Chapter 5(: Posting early today cause I am on spring break so I am going to try to post more chapters(: I kind a of want Megan to had her choose already so you guys don't have to wait till the end its going to happen soon on who she wants(: and their is more to this story. Keep reading and voting thanks guys(:

Baby I got you-Sequel To: You got my heart-Keaton Stromberg FanficWhere stories live. Discover now