Chapter 9

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Megan POV

      I'm now 8 months pregnant only one more month till I give birth. I still haven't even text back Troy or told anyone what he said to me. I just don't know if I even want to talk to him, like I need to know what he meant by that how he knew my dad. How does he know, I'm confused right now.

    After thinking about it, I'm going to meet up with him at the beach so everyone can see us just in case he tried anything; Keaton was at the studio so it was a good time for me to leave. I got into the car driving over to the beach; I don't know why I am doing this. I got to pier seeing Troy standing there. "Hey" I said, "Wow you actually came" he said, "Yeah here the thing I want to know how you knew about my dad “I said, “Look I don't know anything about him" he said, shit I should have known this was a trick.

    I walked away, he grab my arm, "Troy don't even" I said, "Megan I made that up cause I wanted to see you and know if the rumors were true" he said, "What rumors?" I ask, "You being pregnant" he said, I couldn't believe this. "Yeah they are true, go ahead call me a slut" I said, "I wasn't going to, look I was being an ass to you cause I was upset that you broke up with me, I always knew you loved Keaton, it’s his right" he said, "Yes" I said I didn't want to say anything about Tyler, he doesn't need to know everything about me.

    "Thought so" he said, "Well that's all you wanted you got it" I said, "Did you really have feeling for me?" he ask, "Look Troy I'm saying the truth, I did like you a lot I was unsure of my feeling for Keaton for years, I put them behind me cause I didn't want to ruin a good friendship, I did like you and you became obsesses with the thought of Keaton and I, and I could never be with him cause there you were all jealous it got annoying" I said, "I fucked up didn't I" he said, "Yeah, but maybe it was for the best" I said.

   "Maybe your right" he said, "Okay well I should go back home" I said, "Peace between us" he said, "Sure, oh one more thing how did you know about me trying to find my dad" I said, "Oh um I was kind of over hearing when your brother came and saw you at the school" he said, "You were spying on me" I said, he laughed.

   "Something like that" he said, "Bye Troy" I said, I walked away going back to the house. All of that worry for nothing he just wanted to know if I was pregnant, well I can stops worrying now. I got into the apartment seeing Keaton was back. "Hey there you are" Keaton said, "Hey" I said, we hugged.

   "Where did you go?" he ask, I wasn't going to lie, I had to tell him. "I'm not going to lie to you, I went to see Troy, before you freak out or anything he was just wondering about me" I said, "Okay" he said, "Okay? What?" I ask confused.

   "Meg I knew something was wrong with you, and Troy found my number and talk to me saying he was going to see he explain to me" he said, "And you weren't pissed or anything" I said, "Oh I was, he  made it clear he wasn't going to do anything" he said, "And you didn't call me right away telling me" I said, "I knew you would have told me sooner or later, glad you chose sooner I know you didn't want me involved in his drama you kept me out, but listen dork we are a team now, it’s you and I together" he said and he kissed me.

   "I love you, you know that right" I said, "Yeah I know that" he said, we kissed again. "I need to go and nap carrying twins makes you tired" I said, he laughed, "Go get some rest mama" he said, I kissed him. I don't know what I would do without Keaton.

    I went to our room laying on the bed, getting some sleep. I woke up seeing Robin was next to me, I sat up a bit, "Um hi" I said, "Hey there mama" Robin said, "What are you doing here?" I ask, "Oh I am planning the baby showers" she said, she had a notebook writing down a lot of things. "What" I said, "You said I could throw you one, can’t take it back now" she said, "Oh god" I said.

    "It will be fun, but I need your approval on the guest list" she said, "Guest list? It’s only going to be you, Tay and KyLee" I said, "Well one more person" she said, she gave me a piece of paper, I saw my aunt name one the list.

    "My aunt" I said, "I wasn't sure if that was a god idea" she said, "No its fine go ahead invite her, were cool" I said, "Sweet, I am so excited this isn't even my baby shower" she said, "Your more excited than me" I said.

  "Lighten up Megs it’s going to be your party" she said, "Yeah, yeah, where Keaton" I said, "He went out with Ty that's why I am here" she said, "To babysit me?" I ask, "No to keep you company" she said, "I’m pregnant, not dying" I said, "He just caring for you" she said.

    "A little too much" I said, I got up, "Oh no it is getting to you, to where you want to rip Keaton head off" she said, "Close, Keaton is a big help and all but he acts like I have a broken leg" I said, she laughed. "Oh Keaters is going to get a beating from you" she was laughing so hard. "I'll beat you" I said, "Come on it must be fun bossing him around, I wish I could do that with Drew" she said, "Just get pregnant" I said, "No, no, I'm not ready for a baby" she said, "Neither was I now look at me" I said, "You’re going to be a good mom, don't doubt yourself" she said. I do doubt myself a lot about being a mom.

  "Yeah I know I have to stop" I said, "Now put a smile on your face cause were going to have a baby shower" she said, we laughed. I need to start being happy about this pregnancies, I'm letting my fears get to me too much.

 Chapter 9(: Sorry this was late, I've been really sick and been going through some things that are hard right now, but its all fine now. Anyways hope you are enjoying this story, Megan getting closer to her due date(: Thanks for all the votes keep it up!!


Baby I got you-Sequel To: You got my heart-Keaton Stromberg FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora