Chapter 14

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Megan POV

    A week flew by so quickly, I am now 9 months pregnant my due date is next week, so crazy to even thinking about that, seem just like yesterday I found out I was pregnant. I was honestly ready to see Keaton again I miss him so much, like I am really missing him, like not like before, before I was all okay but now I am like missing him to the max. Robin blames it on my weird ass mood swings because I am never this way when it came to Keaton or any boyfriends I've had.

      I was feeling a sharp pain in my stomach all day, we were all going to go to the park and just have a hang out day, but I wasn't feeling up to it my stomach was really hurting me. I was laying on couch, but it wasn't comfy at all, I tried sitting up. "Do you think you are having contractions?" Robin asks, "I don't know, how contractions even feel like?" I ask, I wasn't sure I didn't know anything about this.

     "We Google it" she said, oh god.

     "Where would the world be without Google" I said, "Okay did the pain start in your back?" she ask, "Yeah for a while" I said, "Okay and the pain in your stomach is sharp?" she ask, "Yes" I said, "Okay we got to time your contractions" she said, "Am I having one?" I ask, "Yeah you are" she said, the pain got worse, I was leaning forward it was hurting so bad.

    "Megan are you okay?" she ask, "I think this is it" I said, I wasn't sure but the pain was strong. "Are you for real?" she asks, "I don't know, its hurts" I said, "Okay maybe you are in labor let’s get you to the hospital" she said, she helps me up taking me down to the car.

     She drove off to the hospital, "Don't call Keaton yet" I said, "What why not?" she ask, "Just don't or anyone" I said, "Megan" she said, "What if something wrong, what if it’s not me going into labor I don't want to upset anyone" I said, "You couldn't upset anyone, if this is more serious then yes we have to call" she said, "Just wait till we hear something" I said, I didn't want to worry anyone right now, cause I am scarred right now.

       I felt a really bad pain in my stomach, I screamed so loud it was hurting, "Meg, Meg are you okay?" she yelled. I kept screaming, it was out of control. "Hang on were almost there"

      She got there so fast, helping me out of the car to get inside. I got in seeing the doctor; they put me in a room right away. I was laying; my pain was going away a bit. "Robin calls Keaton please" I said, he had to know now what was going on.

     "Okay I am going to step out and call him and Tyler they both need to know" she said, "Okay fine" I said, she stepped out. I close my eyes, could this be actually it, and could I give birth a week early. I mean its normal I don't know; I guess it’s better than being late or couple months early.

    Robin stepped back in, "Tyler is on his way" she said, "And Keaton?" I ask, "I got voicemails, he probably doing a show" she said, I couldn't help but cry. "Oh no don't cry sweetie, I am texting him like crazy I left messages"

      "What if something wrong with him?" I ask, "No sweetie he doing a show, remember time zone, he in New York, it’s going to be okay" she said, I wiped my tears. Tyler came running in. "That was quick" I said, "I got here as fast as I could, I was already out are you okay" Tyler said coming closer to me, touching my head. "I was having pain really bad and I thought I was going into labor but I don't know what if something wrong with me or the twins" I cried, "Shh no, no its going to be okay" he said, he hugged me, I grab his hand it was good to have him here right now.

     I couldn't stop thinking all negative about this. "Have you gotten ahold of Keaton?" he asks, "No not yet, I'm going to try again" she said. Doctor Henderson came in the room checking on me. "Is everything okay?" I ask, "Yes Megan everything fine" he said, "Then what’s wrong?" I ask confused.

     "You had a false alarm" he said, oh my god, I am happy to hear that instead of bad news. "False alarm" I said, "Yes its common for this to happen around when it’s getting closer to the due date" he said, "So I am okay" I said.

     "Yes you are okay" he said, "Good" Tyler said, "How will I know when I am ready?" I ask, "Well your sharp pains were contractions next time I want you time them, see how far apart they are, if its every 4 minutes you having one then you are in labor or if your water breaks" he said, "Sorry I just don't know all of these" I said.

     "It’s okay, I am here for you" he said, "Can she go home?" Tyler ask, "Yes you can but Megan I want you on bed rest till your due date, anytime the twins could come" he said, "Okay yeah thank you" I said, he left the room.

      "I feel so stupid" I said, "Why?'' Tyler ask, "I freaked out and panic over nothing" I said, "Hey you didn't know, this is all new for you, we are learning here" he said, "Yeah Robin actually Google it" I said, we laughed. He helps me up out of the bed.

     We walked out of the room. "Hey is everything okay?" Robin asks, ''Yes I had a false alarm" I said, "Oh see nothing bad" she said, she hugged me.

     "But the doctor wants her on bed rest the twins could come in any day" Tyler said. "Come on let’s get you home" she said, we walked out to the cars, she drove me home, Tyler followed us coming inside with us, I went to my room on the bed.

    "Did you ever get ahold of Keaton?" I ask, "No I'm sorry but he is going to freak out with all the voicemails and text messages" she said, "I better try and call him and explain to him" I said, "I think that would be best cause if he hears the messages you know he will jump on the next place coming here" Tyler said. He was right Keaton would do that.

      called him, "Put it on speaker" she said, "Robin no" I said, "Megan are you okay? What happened? What’s going on?" Keaton answered freaking out. "Keaton calm down I am okay" I said, "But Robin left me messages saying you guys were at the hospital" he said, "Yes I was having some pain in my stomach so we left there but turns out it was just a false alarm, I am okay I just need to be on bed rest they could come any day now" I said, "I need to leave right now" he said.

    "Keaton no" I said, "I have to any day means any day I need to be there for you" he said, "Hey I know you do, I know but you can’t just leave, Keaton me getting pregnant wasn't going to ruin your career, I am okay now I promise Robin and Tyler are here with me" I said, "I'm sorry I should have my phone on loud" he said, "You are a dork Keaton" I said, "I love you okay, I will be home soon next week okay" he said, "Okay I love you too, don't worry too much" I said, "I will try but if anything happens I mean anything I will come back" he said.

    "I love you bye" I said, "I love you too" he said, I hung up. "Well he took it as I thought" Tyler said, "He a worried father" I said, "So am I and I was fine'' he said, "Um I called you and in like 2 minutes you were here" Robin said, I laughed.

     "I was worried for you, even if I'm not the dad, I will still be worried" he said.

    "Thanks" I said, "Alright Megan need anything?" Robin ask, "No, I am good for now, going to try to sleep I guess what else can I do on bed rest" I said, they laughed. "Just yell if you need anything" he said, "Actually can I get a bullhorn to get your guys attention" I said, "No" they both said, I laughed, "What would I be to annoying, I thought you care about me" I said close to tear.

     "Oh no don't cry" he said, "We will go get one for you" she said, "Just kidding get out of here and let me sleep" I said, I laughed I love tricking them. "I should have seen this coming" she said, "Evil I swear" he said. They walked out.

     I put on my hands on my stomach, "That was a close call guys, almost thought there for a second something was wrong with you two, but it’s all good now" I said to myself, I closed my eyes. If I couldn't handle that pain I can just imagine the real thing.  

Chapter 14(:  Megan getting closer yay!!(: Keep voting and reading guys thank you so much!! 6 votes or more to get the next chapter(:

Baby I got you-Sequel To: You got my heart-Keaton Stromberg FanficWhere stories live. Discover now